Clint Eatswood
Boring_Humor3706 t1_iy1a5mz wrote
Take my upvote you sonofabitch
stillnotking t1_iy1c75w wrote
Weird coincidence. I have a pet tarantula named Woody Eatclint.
Legend5V t1_iy1fud7 wrote
butterbeanhungry t1_iy1gpb2 wrote
Well keep him the fuck off the boat.
cat_bastard t1_iy1hiff wrote
Wouldn't recommend a termite for a pet, they're boring.
ConduckKing t1_iy291id wrote
I got termites, in a bag
A__shoe t1_iy2e1lz wrote
But not for long, the fumigatior is comin on is comin o is comin on
IAMATruckerAMA t1_iy2f09h wrote
Something about your post really bugs me
[deleted] t1_iy2fk35 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy2flr7 wrote
BGFlyingToaster t1_iy2i2w5 wrote
/r/GroundedGame would appreciate this
damojr t1_iy2ja5x wrote
If that link wasn't Primus I was about to suggest your name was Mud.
Idyotec t1_iy2jyiy wrote
My name ain't Mud but it's pudding time so I'll let it slide
LotusEliseR t1_iy2mj1c wrote
These puns need to be exterminated.
Character_Ad_3887 t1_iy2y1i0 wrote
He ain’t happy….
Aggravating-Line8425 t1_iy32tq1 wrote
hes feeling glad
rutzlbrutzel t1_iy35ske wrote
That Gorillaz Song started in my Head.
Legion357 t1_iy37ak6 wrote
That you so much for that. I haven’t listened to Primus in decades.
Sad_Preparation8714 t1_iy38mvx wrote
Lol i wanted to comment Clint Eatswood, then read it
MelodicLemon6 t1_iy3nrut wrote
He's got sunshine...
eatenbyalion t1_iy42c0b wrote
He just needs to meet two criteria: 1. Dirty 2. Hairy
yomojodojo t1_iy4dqy1 wrote
Clint eats wood?
Adventurous_Eye_1002 t1_iy4gaws wrote
At least give credit to where you stole this from
Parellius OP t1_iy4gy7b wrote
And where would that be?
Adventurous_Eye_1002 t1_iy4i421 wrote
My bad :) you are the OP on the exact same joke in dadjokes. Take my upvote and apology please
Gil-Gandel t1_iy4l98c wrote
Seems fair, I have a pet newt and I call him Tiny.
>!because he's my newt.!<
[deleted] t1_iy4qd9y wrote
The-real-Lamanite t1_iy4qts9 wrote
That’s a dumb name. I would have gone with Bill.
beyonddisbelief t1_iy4vpvj wrote
I woodant mess with him if I were you.
InvisoDeath t1_iy4xkrp wrote
It's treeson then!
tkeelah t1_iy55t2i wrote
LadeeAlana t1_iy5eanc wrote
He'd get along well with my dog, whose name is Joe. Joe Cocker.
M3dnessMan t1_iy5eqp9 wrote
if u rich man, you're welcome
It_is_Fries_No_Patat t1_iy5qrq2 wrote
Love Clint's movies !
He can take a joke to!
He even was a Major : D
spsalsm t1_iy8g3qv wrote
In a bag…
1973mojo1973 t1_iy183ss wrote