Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.
rochesterjack t1_j203yx0 wrote
Give credit to the comedian who wrote this on Twitter today please …
rochesterjack t1_j205ckv wrote
This isn’t a generic old joke like most of the shit posted on here, it’s an original joke written today and is his livelihood..
bopman14 t1_j20kihs wrote
Now I've just got 24 smaller advent calendars
greenman5252 t1_j20ruxa wrote
The third row of windows is particularly perilous
mdhlalh t1_j215sfi wrote
I’ve heard this joke long before today…
rochesterjack t1_j216zc2 wrote
Then Gary Delaney is a joke thief…
[deleted] t1_j21dc2n wrote
TheInternetCritic t1_j223pbu wrote
The entire internet consists of joke theives lmao
rochesterjack t1_j228k1e wrote
It seems that way, I suppose if you put it out there then you’re leaving yourself open to having stuff nicked. Luckily there’s honour amongst comics, at least in the UK anyway.
Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j22dxef wrote
It’s not funny when you need to look up what a word means.
[deleted] t1_j22dzb9 wrote
There’s nothing dangerous about falling from a high window.
Just try not to land.
cbunni666 t1_j22f7on wrote
I was gonna say you may or may not get shot
Ezzy-525 t1_j22g8nl wrote
You need to expand your vocabulary.
Vocabulary - the body of words used in a particular language.
Iceman72021 t1_j22i7w7 wrote
It’s funny because it’s true
fuckthers t1_j23mtxr wrote
Ochib OP t1_j23spi8 wrote
What happening to to oligarchs is defenestration
speculatrix t1_j1zkbiz wrote
I bet oligarchs only use Macs, because they're afraid of windows.