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wizardofoddz t1_j2agolu wrote

I was in Ukraine and as a great Joseph Conrad fame was surprised to be told in Zhitomir that this was his hometown. "But," I said, "he's Polish." "This was Poland," they told me.


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_j2cvpi9 wrote

Damn, I had no clue. I thought he was British, through and through


Commercial_Living t1_j2d5b08 wrote

English wasn’t his mother tongue, yet he wrote his books in English. Fascinating fellow.


antoin3walk3r t1_j2ed68q wrote

He didn’t even learn English until his 20s then became one of the greatest writers of all time in english.


Shot-Spray5935 t1_j2d5hnm wrote

He never lived there really. He grew up in Kraków and his name is strongly associated with that city.


Bardez t1_j2dyr9y wrote

My grandfather was Polish. I have an aunt who is now claiming we're actually Ukrainian. I'm starting to get it.


hewhohasnoname257 t1_j2e7mqw wrote

My now deceased Polish grandmother's birth certificate had place of birth as Prussia.