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arealtk t1_j1as3lc wrote

But my scale is under the bridge downtown.


KuroKunsai t1_j1auvke wrote

Well, there's a storm in my teacup that tossed my scale under a bridge downtown in Dani California's hometown.


TooShiftyForYou t1_j1bck7h wrote

Obi-Wan Kenobi's favorite song is actually by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Higher Ground.


BROCK462 t1_j1bgczc wrote

Careful it will rock your world


PaddySwaz t1_j1cjgrd wrote

How do you tell how heavy a pie is? Somewhere over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow.... weigh a pie


Monki01 t1_j1ck138 wrote

Cant stop

.... Laughing


Glittering_Camel_442 t1_j1cpw9e wrote

Why did the red hot chili pepper cross the road?

“To get tooo theee otherside…. To get toooo theee otherside…”


B-Kong t1_j1czk5c wrote

I used to live across the street from a brewery in Charlotte, NC called Birdsong. All of their beer names were after song titles. Higher Ground was easily their highest selling beer in the area.


-CanMan t1_j1d2bm7 wrote

If it’s too hot, you gotta give it away give it away give it away now.


Appropriate-Lie-548 t1_j1dp0wd wrote

Grind it and drop it on a mans tongue. See how quickly he falters under its powdery weight


Popular-Revenue-3533 t1_j1eawky wrote

Depends which one you want to weigh. And when in time, i.e. Kiedis is a lot skinnier nowadays vs back in the 90s


aboxofsnakes t1_j1emh3k wrote

There is a song by the band "Red Hot Chili Peppers" which has the lyric "give it away, give it away, give it away now". This is one of their more recognizable lyrics and gets stuck in the head easily


Born_ina_snowbank t1_j1ey0pf wrote

Didn’t realize you meant weight. Thought you where trying to figure out how long, how loooOoong it was.


Jmards15 t1_j1f5ltk wrote

Don't put it on too fast. You got to, got to, gotta take it slowwww


StevenMcFlyJr t1_j1yi4jg wrote

Keep these jokes up and you're going to be sleeping under the bridge