YZXFILE OP t1_j29s306 wrote
You can always lend a hand.
stillnotking t1_j2a2tp2 wrote
1989 America: Bring democracy to China!
2003 America: Bring democracy to Iraq!
2023 America: Bring democracy!
leonscum t1_j2a5zuu wrote
BOT voting.
YZXFILE OP t1_j2a7wc1 wrote
That is scary.
YZXFILE OP t1_j2a8uq1 wrote
Bring Freedom.
leonscum t1_j2baojf wrote
Yeah can you imagine. 331+ million US citizens of which 258 are adults and over 60% of eligible voters voted. So guessing about half of adults (not all adults are eligible voters) that would be 130 million votes, With BOT voting the number would be 130 triliion! It would take a decade to count them not counting late BOT votes from Russia.
YZXFILE OP t1_j2bb3aw wrote
Just call me Data.
MtPollux t1_j29quzj wrote
This isn't funny. It may be true.