But before I could, someone poached them.
stonka_truck t1_j5telnu wrote
They always crack me up
G_D_Ironside t1_j5tf5cm wrote
My brain is scrambled simply from reading this ridiculous yolk.
LexRingo t1_j5tfox2 wrote
Wait You still are able to afford that nowadays??
OptimusPrimel984 t1_j5thp0i wrote
I was about to tell this egg joke but it looks like I was beaten to the punch line.
Lessgovtmoney t1_j5tj23w wrote
The egg section at my local store is a shell of it's former self.
phollox t1_j5tj55t wrote
I'm sure they were really funny. You would have gotten us all cracking
Randy927 t1_j5tkeb1 wrote
Did you approach the poacher about it?
Ready373 OP t1_j5tu95x wrote
Omlettin’ it go for now.
Nervous_Cranberry196 t1_j5twgq0 wrote
I was going to tell an egg joke but omelet that last joke sink in
Ready373 OP t1_j5tyb2l wrote
I shell savor that comment.
Ready373 OP t1_j5u0hoy wrote
I’m sure we’ll be able to whip up some more good ones.
MadAdam88 t1_j5u0xg4 wrote
That joke didn't go over easy, did it?
Waitsfornoone t1_j5u5hss wrote
What did the egg say to the boiling water?
I don’t know if I can get hard; I just got laid this morning.
phollox t1_j5ufxt0 wrote
I was not eggspecting a reply
Dr_Rapier t1_j5uo8rx wrote
I was going to follow up with a joke about mild cheddar, but it's not very mature.
Specialist_Loquat_49 t1_j5vem0n wrote
That was an eggcelent joke!
Ain_denver t1_j5wc8zh wrote
At least the joke went over easy
Ancient-Shelter7512 t1_j5wjh7c wrote
Lots of daddy jokes here. You should get over easy.
Badass-19 t1_j5y8qe5 wrote
I'm eggspired by your comment
slamdanceswithwolves t1_j5ydrhl wrote
At least it’s not a repoach.
Rick-burp-Sanchez t1_j5tcpzt wrote
Egg jokes are a little too easy for my taste these days.