He's still assembling his new cabinet
123lalagirl t1_j63zip2 wrote
😂 lol
THEdeadboltblues t1_j64clsv wrote
Börk börk börk, indeed.
Specific_Tap7296 t1_j65uttc wrote
Cabinet is such an odd name for the committee of people in charge of the country
NoSpankingAllowed t1_j664vfx wrote
Not if he tries using the instructions.
hugedealmass t1_j67exqt wrote
The first member will be Alan Key.
DionnaShipman t1_j67trut wrote
Looks like the Swedish government is finally getting its act together, with a little help from IKEA's flat-pack politics and the boss's expertise in assembly. Let's just hope they don't need any Allen keys to fix the economy.
nouvAnti t1_j68yy2p wrote
In Germany we say IKEA is the abbreviation for "ich krieg einen Anfall" (German for: " I throw a tantrum.")
DamionFV OP t1_j692yve wrote
Excellent! Bloody impossible instructions
JustCallMeMambo t1_j6kx17y wrote
actual German humor?! they said it doesn’t exist! 🤯
Tigris-Jedi t1_j63w5se wrote
Shouldn't take him more than a couple of minutes