Yazer9977 t1_j6d51pf wrote
Can I be the one to post this tomorrow?
wrenchbenderornot t1_j6dsgrh wrote
Just yell out “number 126!”
dandroid126 t1_j6dyshi wrote
You rang?
Emektro t1_j6e12er wrote
Here’s your food sir
Impossible_Pay6912 t1_j6fhv5k wrote
Russc70 t1_j6f9y65 wrote
Nice repost without actually reposting!
GACyberCool t1_j6fru6z wrote
Someone needs to compile all the jokes in this Reddit and put a number beside them for reference.
Certain_Month_8178 t1_j6eju99 wrote
You just aren’t telling it right
sarphinius t1_j6eaybr wrote
Gotta work on your timing
PM_ME_YOUR_MESMER t1_j6efa0o wrote
No one will laugh because they haven't heard that one yet!
RetiredFromIT t1_j6ffhsg wrote
Nah. It's the way you told it.
Dunge0nMast0r t1_j6g4yjq wrote
uproarus laughter
Ambitious_Brief1874 t1_j6g7596 wrote
Wow . . . this thread needs a proofreader ALREADY??? WTH, it's only 9:30!
ExtremeThanks420 t1_j6db69f wrote
good one
Gr8hound t1_j6dnpp4 wrote
Looking forward to it
GandalfMon t1_j6dn0k3 wrote
License granted.
alectorophobic t1_j6dugox wrote
No it's my turn you did it yesterday
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