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rxricks t1_ja8t2mv wrote

Duck walks into a pharmacy to get some chapstick. He says "Put it on my bill".


the_almighty_walrus t1_ja9uqvw wrote

A duck walked up to a lemonade stand...


NarrowProfession2900 t1_jaajgm7 wrote

And he said to the man, runnin’ the stand…


Figgy20000 t1_jacfa93 wrote

Hey, got any grapes?


Random_Weird_gal t1_jacsdhm wrote

The man said "no, we just sell lemonade. But it's cold and it's fresh and it's all homemade! Can I get you a glass?"


herrbdog t1_jab3ovq wrote

he came back later for condoms, the shopkeep asked, "should i put that on your bill?"

"no sir! i'm not that kind of duck!"


thisishans t1_jac4mwm wrote

An Orc walks into a tavern with a parrot on his shoulder,

The barkeep says, "hey where'd you get that?"

The Parrot says, "durotar, they got 'em all over the place!"