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ILive2Drum t1_jabg1wh wrote

Reply to comment by GuaranteeHeavy3161 in Yo mama so fat by LeoReddit2019

I know exactly what that’s from! Good taste you have.


GuaranteeHeavy3161 t1_jabh84c wrote

Thought no one will get it lol


ILive2Drum t1_jabhwuc wrote

Watched every episode 3 different times so you can say I’m pretty familiar with the show. Favorite skit is Jimenez.


GuaranteeHeavy3161 t1_jabiwgj wrote

I can't even say a favourite,man.I may have watched everything more than 3 times, I should take myself out often.Some I frequent are Slap-ass,Loco one and the Tim Cook one.Shame they stopped making them.


ILive2Drum t1_jabjupe wrote

All classics, I really love the loco ones. Remember front hand back hand? And the bone thugs and harmony parody was fucking gold, they did them so well lmao and BLACK ICE HAD ME ROLLING and racist zombies and the cooking shows one dude now I don’t know what IS my actual favorite now!


GuaranteeHeavy3161 t1_jaccivx wrote

AMENNN TO THATT!! We can talk all day about their skits and only cover about 10 % of their content .They did so much at such a little duration without compromising qualit, man. They will never be another duo like them.Glad Peele has made it as a promising director.Wonder what Key is doing right now.