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jadayne t1_j9ar76i wrote

I would not attend your funeral, my good sir. However, I would very much approve of it.


Evasor1152 t1_j9bhpzm wrote

I don't attend any funerals. I mean it's not like they're going to attend mine, right?


Killersmurph t1_j9bczph wrote

I'll go you One better. I WILL attend your funeral, and I intend to bring my dancing shoes!


hymie0 t1_j9ey11i wrote

If you remember Enron... Apparently a number of people went to Kenneth Lay's funeral "just to make sure".


axeman020 t1_j9bkz23 wrote

Not strong enough. Go for "I will not attend your funeral, however I may cause it!"


ALeaf0nTh3Wind t1_j9gsujn wrote

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain