>!All of them!<
Kkbw2387 t1_jab4h48 wrote
Finster4 t1_jab56p8 wrote
They all do
Xaconon t1_jab5cvs wrote
Am bad at math......is that what this joke is supposed to be about?
Catpitalsea t1_jab5ktj wrote
Destroyer_Of_World5 t1_jab9048 wrote
They all have at least 28 days in them.
perspectivecheck2022 t1_jab9jrm wrote
sujaysukumar t1_jabagtc wrote
Except the month on which i died.
Improv13 t1_jabfwyp wrote
If you take all the first letters of the month starting with June you get JJASONDJFMAM or
J. Jason, DJ FM/AM the guy playing all the hits of the month on terrestrial radio!
Not a joke, but as not a joke as the OPs post.
Groucho-Marxist50 t1_jablfui wrote
My wife’s
Grnlnk842 t1_jac5w0n wrote
I would reword the question to “What month has 28 days in it?”
[deleted] t1_jacb7og wrote
sujaysukumar t1_jaco751 wrote
Thanks. It was the first week of November
Western-Image7125 t1_jaf3j2q wrote
How many have exactly 28 days?
One of them, sometimes.
HauntingPerspective2 t1_jab45gh wrote
Pretty much all of them