publiclyGlaze81 t1_ja33ggo wrote
Chuck Norris invented giraffes when he gave a horse an uppercut..
sorcerer86pt t1_ja34w9y wrote
Monster kids check under the beds for Chuck Norris
sorcerer86pt t1_ja35340 wrote
Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, instead he pushes down the planet
FocusMaster t1_ja35jrz wrote
Dude. If your going to repost, wait more then 1 day.
first_porn_unicorn t1_ja38buv wrote
Chuck Norris doesn’t get wet; water gets Chuck Norrised.
DrDabsMD t1_ja39blh wrote
Tell the joke right if you're going to tell it. It's, "Chuck Norris once threw a grenade, killed 2000 people, then the grenade exploded." It's funnier this way because it implies Chuck Norris did the killing, not the grenade.
Snowbattt t1_ja3as51 wrote
Are we gonna see a day pass by where this joke isn't reposted here?
hairybagel27 t1_ja3bb1p wrote
If you are gonna repost, at least Word the joke properly. You fucked it up. Threw a grenade AND killed 2000 people. Get it right, chuck Norris would have
Dependent_Comfort_93 t1_ja3be7n wrote
Remindme! 1 day
halflifer2k t1_ja3ecyr wrote
Chuck Norris threw a grenade and killed 26394 1/2 people. Then it exploded.
Can’t wait to hear how many the the next grenade kills!
berkleysquare t1_ja3inzw wrote
Chuck Norris once threw a grenade and killed 2001 people...........
triploidJoyride141 t1_ja32wl8 wrote
Chuck Norris Avenue had to be renamed, since no one crosses Chuck Norris and lives.