Recent comments in /f/Jokes
LocalEquivalent1372 t1_jefu43h wrote
Reply to When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
Deez nutz
Hattix t1_jefu0qz wrote
Reply to Why are all exorcists alcoholics? by JageST3R
Exorcists handle spirits.
ole_shanksies t1_jeftzcp wrote
They both spend a while tugging their rod
Sonyguyus t1_jeftmky wrote
I thought it was because they’d couldn’t wait to get to the end
Aberdolf-Linkler t1_jeftlqu wrote
Reply to comment by mycombover in A man walks into a bar and orders a beer by jonest27
The joke has a big dog so that the punchline can be, "Okay, now where's that bitch with a sore tooth?!" but OP seems to have sanitized the joke for reposting.
Makcim32311 t1_jeftjp3 wrote
Reply to Why are all exorcists alcoholics? by JageST3R
Why do not vampires like the butchers?
Because of the steaks.
stevehrowe2 t1_jefth1f wrote
But I was annoyed that he was so focused on whose prostate and where I got it.
Past_Love2715 t1_jeft9j1 wrote
Reply to When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
Eye’ve heard better
Pasta_Catt t1_jeft0ji wrote
Reply to A man walks into a bar and orders a beer by jonest27
Wrong order my guy
Few-Kaleidoscope8394 t1_jefshl3 wrote
Reply to comment by doughboy1001 in I was in the supermarket with the wife today when completely out of the blue she said "You know something? You really are a lazy bastard!" by SionGest
Nah they’re called prams here in the uk 😂
originaldaveo83 t1_jefs5qe wrote
Reply to comment by anonamouse78 in I'm seriously tired of liberals saying that Trump has never won the popular vote by [deleted]
averagebenzdriver t1_jefs1ft wrote
Reply to There’s this nun taking a bath… by staterho
...and I thought she had nun
MakesMyHeadHurt t1_jefrrx6 wrote
It's okay, according to him he was only "indicated".
averagebenzdriver t1_jefrgz5 wrote
He lied. He just wanted an excuse to shove his finger up your ass.
SometimesStable t1_jefr4l5 wrote
Reply to comment by AlternativeAardvark6 in I'm so dumb and out of shape by ScientistNathan
kaiwulf t1_jefr06u wrote
Reply to comment by coastalJuncture in Why do gay people suck at telling jokes? by do_yu_koto_da
As a buy-sexual, I would like to give you $1000 for one night with your comment
Virtual-Doubt748 t1_jefqxl7 wrote
Reply to When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
These jokes don't make sense. And they are not even funny.
PeppinoImpastato t1_jefquds wrote
Reply to comment by That_Operation_9977 in So two men walk into a bar at the top of a 5 floor building by IAmEggsOk
AlternativeAardvark6 t1_jefqrk0 wrote
Reply to comment by is-it-a-snozberry in I'm so dumb and out of shape by ScientistNathan
Don't drink to much coffee or your heart rate will be higher than your IQ.
is-it-a-snozberry t1_jefqmp6 wrote
Reply to I'm so dumb and out of shape by ScientistNathan
Can someone explain this to me? I haven’t had my coffee yet.
eldritch_cleaver t1_jefqlop wrote
Reply to A man walks into a bar and orders a beer by jonest27
You can tell how hard times are by the decreasing amount of money in the jar every time this joke and its variants are posted.
That_Operation_9977 t1_jefqjkp wrote
I don’t get it…is the joke that he’s super man?
ztreHdrahciR t1_jefqj20 wrote
Who doesn't love a good proctology joke?
jenejes t1_jefpv7j wrote
..the jury is still out on that
Bumbleclat t1_jefu5e4 wrote
Reply to comment by Hattix in Why are all exorcists alcoholics? by JageST3R
So can alcoholics