Recent comments in /f/Jokes

fuqdisshite t1_jegb8fa wrote

it is what it is.

100 IQ is literally a baseline average. you can always read and learn and gather knowledge... it may not 'raise' your IQ but you can be a better person for it.

and you definitely have control over your heart rate. i just had emergency open heart surgery and now am on a drug will regulate my heart rate until i die. my situation is a mutation and hopefully only in my body, but your situation can probably be made better, even if just by a bit.

try and get out for a walk every day. doesn't have to be much. my wife and i walk about a half a mile a day and it always feels good.


Ilela t1_jegarh1 wrote

I don't know how joke goes exactly but a guy and a nun are in a bus. Guy likes how nun looks so he asks Busdriver how he get to know her. Busdriver says that she goes to graveyard every night and he could have his chance then. The guy comes late at night to graveyard and sees nun praying for the deceased. Somehow they end up having sex without guy confirming it's the nun. After the deed, nun reveals herself to be gay Busdriver.