Recent comments in /f/Jokes
Deviate_Taco t1_jegfcmp wrote
Reply to Why are all exorcists alcoholics? by JageST3R
Isn't the whole point of an exorcist TO handle spirits?
AdAcceptable1700 t1_jegf2sr wrote
Reply to When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
I don't see the point of this exercise
1963Jan t1_jegegs1 wrote
Reply to Why do kleptomaniacs hate puns by TheJpow
I was a maniokleptic. I walked backwards through shops putting things on the shelves.
Brygg69 t1_jegebzs wrote
Reply to I was in the supermarket with the wife today when completely out of the blue she said "You know something? You really are a lazy bastard!" by SionGest
I’m tired of people pushing you around like that. You should really stand up for yourself.
Speedstick8900 t1_jegeaoj wrote
Reply to comment by Appropriate_Olive_19 in I like to tell dad jokes by DoctorBlazes
You really squared off that pun didn’t you?
Rough_Horror_5118 t1_jegeamj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
Eye don't see your point
ahclem38 t1_jege9ef wrote
My doctor told me I had the prostate of a thirty year old. I told him I swore I didn't know how it got there.
jimmymcstinkypants t1_jege41g wrote
Reply to comment by ashamedprotein in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
As the doctor finished my prostate exam and the nurse entered the room, she said the 3 words you never want to hear: "Who was that?"
XxJamalBigSexyxX t1_jegdw6g wrote
Reply to comment by danxmanly in I'm seriously tired of liberals saying that Trump has never won the popular vote by [deleted]
Because it is in fact, a fact? Tr*mp finally won a vote!
Rough_Horror_5118 t1_jegdt0i wrote
Reply to comment by Ewetootwo in When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
Volt don't you know?
chippstero1 t1_jegdsfb wrote
Reply to comment by Finrod_the_awesome in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
N don't fall for the free wifi in the van trick either cuz he didn't even have free wifi fuckin liar I hate when ppl lie to me
peter_the_martian t1_jegd9m5 wrote
Reply to comment by Make_the_music_stop in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
I’d like a moment or two alone with this comment. Is that okay?
reverentlyirreverent t1_jegd97s wrote
I read this conversation as happening between a king and a squirrel. I clearly need a nap.
Silverwhitemango t1_jegd8od wrote
Reply to comment by Independent-One9917 in Yo Mama so old... by playingwithechoes
She is the big bang
rainblade1980 t1_jegd6d5 wrote
Reply to I'm seriously tired of liberals saying that Trump has never won the popular vote by [deleted]
You know how you can tell when tRump is lying?
His lips are moving
regrettablyold t1_jegczx9 wrote
Why was the commercial fisherman struggling financially?
Because he had a triple net lease, maybe?
Why was the professional sperm donor struggling romantically?
Because he didn't want to work at home, maybe?
I don't know. So sue me like Gwyneth Paltrow.
Many_Lemon_4315 t1_jegczu8 wrote
Finrod_the_awesome t1_jegcym0 wrote
Reply to comment by 12altoids34 in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
I just wish he didn't insist on a weekly follow-ups due to the history of cancer in my family. But he just wants what's best for me.
lachjeff t1_jegcoja wrote
Reply to comment by Gloomy_Square_6204 in Don't forget that today is April Fools! by MothAliens
No_Vast_7364 t1_jegcghq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I'm so dumb and out of shape by ScientistNathan
How is this a trump joke
12altoids34 t1_jegcg4o wrote
Reply to comment by Finrod_the_awesome in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
Hey, with medical cost being the way they are, you get your free medical exams wherever you can get them.
RutCry t1_jegcdi6 wrote
Reply to comment by 1982MJG in When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
The Pink Floyd shapes and colors coming out of your speakers does that to them.
InvisiblePhilosophy t1_jegcdgq wrote
Reply to comment by HouseCravenRaw in I've been sober from math for three weeks. by ChaoShadow87
It’s better than dividing kids.
They come after for things like murder and child abuse and whatnot when you do that.
Finrod_the_awesome t1_jegc4ox wrote
Reply to comment by Waitsfornoone in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
For me it was a van. Some of it was my fault. I have to stop taking candy and happy juice from strangers.
jmtbkr t1_jegff0j wrote
Reply to My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
After my last exam, I asked my doctor if he could remove his ring next exam. His answer was, “That’s not a ring, it was my wristwatch!”