Recent comments in /f/Jokes
SoftGreasyTurd t1_jegnatg wrote
Reply to comment by apd543 in When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
No the cells are still alive and produce hair and nails.
Look it up.
ApocalypseSpokesman t1_jegn7y4 wrote
Reply to comment by dmetz1979 in The question was never whether Trump would be indicted.... by sarcasticpremed
Ideally, whatever the truth is, it would come to light in the trial.
However, I have no confidence that will actually happen for this or any other high-profile case.
Henry-Moody t1_jegn58o wrote
ok you got an exhaled sniff-laugh from me. that was good
CaptBilgeplug t1_jegn4xn wrote
I thought I had the greatest proctologist ever. During my procedure, a nurse came in with a cold case of Bud Light.
The Doctor started yelling at her saying, “I said I need a butt light dammit, not a bud lite.”
I was able to grab a beer on her way out so I was good.
Alaska_Jack t1_jegmy5a wrote
Better first line:
My doctor told me he was concerned about my prostate.
ZVreptile t1_jegmw5x wrote
If I could give joke of the day you would win sir
carlcast t1_jegmnbm wrote
What a lovable asshole you are
Mario1md t1_jegmmlh wrote
Reply to Two guys stole a calendar by Deechon
You made my day with that joke!
Spike-Ball t1_jegmjxm wrote
Reply to comment by GuzziR1d3r in Why do gay people suck at telling jokes? by do_yu_koto_da
That's so gay.
legends_never_die_1 t1_jegmjbn wrote
Reply to comment by salawow in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
i would take that as a compliment
KotMaOle t1_jegmiwl wrote
Duke and Countess dance on royal ball. Suddenly Countess fart loud enough for Duke to hear it. She blushes and say: I hope it will stay between us. Duke responded: I prefer that it will spread.
07tartutic07 t1_jegm7dx wrote
Reply to comment by sunrisepicker in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
I hope it was given outside and not while inside
DMVlooker t1_jegm2r1 wrote
rascible t1_jegm0z6 wrote
What has 2 forward gears and 5 reverse gears?
French battle tank
Swampbat_Gizzard t1_jegltca wrote
Reply to comment by sunberrygeri in A nun is praying in her convent in rural Ireland when there is a sudden bang and a cloud of green smoke by stupidrobots
RIP Jake.
legends_never_die_1 t1_jeglhgu wrote
Reply to comment by beesadventure in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
CorporateMajdoor t1_jeglf5m wrote
good old days of this sub argon :’)
Ilela t1_jeglamz wrote
Reply to comment by KotMaOle in A nun is praying in her convent in rural Ireland when there is a sudden bang and a cloud of green smoke by stupidrobots
That's the one
sunrisepicker t1_jegl6x6 wrote
Thumbs up
wrenhunter t1_jegkpu1 wrote
Reply to A nun is praying in her convent in rural Ireland when there is a sudden bang and a cloud of green smoke by stupidrobots
There you have it, it’s all in black-and-white.
Jah-Rasta t1_jegkaf3 wrote
Reply to comment by kuro_khan in When you die, which body part dies last? by Hwarrior12
Iris I’d never read this thread
ScoDucks316 t1_jegk87x wrote
Ambitious-Painter126 t1_jegk29q wrote
Reply to Two guys stole a calendar by Deechon
2018 called, they want their calendar back
thereaverofdarkness t1_jegjqfj wrote
Reply to comment by Reddit_Jax in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
ThePhantomPooper t1_jegndd1 wrote
Reply to comment by DerRaumdenker in My doctor told me that I had a healthy prostate. by 1963Jan
I like to say my female dentist when I tell this joke.