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codece t1_jdyro63 wrote

How about when you open the last box you buy another box? No red ink involved.

A 3 or 4 staple warning isn't really a warning, it's just a way to emphasize that you're an idiot who just ran out of staples.

Also, anecdotal story/confession here -- I stole a full stapler and 4 boxes of staples from a job that fired me 17 years ago, and I have yet to run out of staples. I should have stolen a red sharpie to remind me.


Icy-Reflection6014 t1_jdyth4w wrote

Maybe staple work differently in different places, but I’ve never found a stapler that takes a whole box of staples at once.


codece t1_jdywcia wrote

Maybe staples work differently in different places, but I have never known a box of staples to cost more than chump change.

Why do you have to wait until the last staple to re-up?

Do you wait until the last piece of toilet tissue to buy more?


Icy-Reflection6014 t1_jdz4aai wrote

The posted LPT was about knowing when you’re about to run out of staples in the stapler. If you don’t fill the stapler with a whole box at a time then your comment is an ‘and’ to the original LPT but you’re acting like it’s an ‘or’. Why?