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keepthetips t1_jdyoudu wrote

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ReviewOk929 t1_jdypoxm wrote

Next time I staple my emails I’ll remember this


codece t1_jdyro63 wrote

How about when you open the last box you buy another box? No red ink involved.

A 3 or 4 staple warning isn't really a warning, it's just a way to emphasize that you're an idiot who just ran out of staples.

Also, anecdotal story/confession here -- I stole a full stapler and 4 boxes of staples from a job that fired me 17 years ago, and I have yet to run out of staples. I should have stolen a red sharpie to remind me.


codece t1_jdywcia wrote

Maybe staples work differently in different places, but I have never known a box of staples to cost more than chump change.

Why do you have to wait until the last staple to re-up?

Do you wait until the last piece of toilet tissue to buy more?


Icy-Reflection6014 t1_jdz4aai wrote

The posted LPT was about knowing when you’re about to run out of staples in the stapler. If you don’t fill the stapler with a whole box at a time then your comment is an ‘and’ to the original LPT but you’re acting like it’s an ‘or’. Why?


Frequent_Regular_841 t1_je03ra7 wrote

Do you have any advice for when to know to replace the dial on the phone?

How about when to change the ink on the fax machine.

Or when to change the batteries in my pager.


Fun_Amount3063 t1_je0tvo9 wrote

jfc HOW is a life tip? Some of y’all truly love to make your own lives more complicated and therefore more stressful for absolutely no damn reason.


OkOutlandishness9072 t1_jecqqsp wrote

Of all the tips I’ve ever read this is definitely the most valuable. Absolute gold.