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boing757 t1_jdvi2zh wrote

LPT: clean up your mess after you make it and don't leave it for someone else.


ChronWeasely t1_jdwb95n wrote

I live alone. It's always left for me. Some times are better than others for cleaning


monkywrnch t1_jdwe2nk wrote

Future you must hate past you


LeToucan_ t1_jdwefhi wrote

Sometimes present me wants to fuck with future me and just throws all dirty dishes in the sink. Hate that guy.


singlecoloredpanda t1_jdx2kos wrote

This works well if you leave your favorite junk food next to the dirty dishes as a apology to future you.


Incandescent_Lass t1_jdwh2uo wrote

Future me is gonna be as high as giraffe pussy while cleaning, so I know he’s cool with it.


finnjakefionnacake t1_jdz4uwc wrote

i have also been really discovering the joys of cleaning while high as of late. i used to just want to veg out and stare into space, but i can be oddly productive with simple tasks like that without being annoyed. Happy, even. lol


Demiansmark t1_jdxctl5 wrote

I mean, compared to being high as a kite, that isn't that high.


ranluka t1_jdwe7mb wrote

Generally good advice, but if you just cooked, you probably want to eat. Possibly with whoever you made food for.

And the stove is probably too hot to the touch to clean safely right away...

And by the time it's cooled, you're now in a food comma on the couch...


TheOneTrollmonkey t1_jdwpjoh wrote

I'm going to argue that it's still easier to clean up while you're cooking, up to the point of serving the food, than it is to come back later to deal with all the mess you just made.

By all means, though, when you serve your meal, go eat and spend time with your family / friends / guests!