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t1_jdvrvy7 wrote

Well he didn't reword it, that's suggesting he's making the same point. But he isn't. He's making a completely different point about preventative measures.


t1_jdw8bmd wrote

Tips for washing car! Don’t let it get dirty, ever. If a bug hits the windshield, immediately pull over and wipe it off. Like, it’s true. But it’s not realistic or helpful in this case. This is a tip for cleaning the stove. Doing exactly what OP described but saying always do it every time. OP is right that this is just the passive aggressive version. In both cases, they are just saying to clean it right after usage.


t1_jdwf7ce wrote

That doesn't really make sense. Cars are much larger and require much more effort to keep clean. In all my adult life I've never had grease or dirt build up on my stove because I spend 30 seconds after cooking a meal to spray and wipe it down. You cannot apply that to a car. If you don't feel that wiping the stove after each use is realistic then I really would not like to see your house.


t1_jdwhs9k wrote

I think most people, including myself, do not see the stovetop as something that needs to be cleaned after every use. Sure there are neat freaks, but I think I’m in the majority.


t1_jdwihnx wrote

I definitely don't think that's neat freak behaviour. It's just unhygienic to let food residue build up on a kitchen surface. And whether it's something you do or don't do you cannot argue that it's unrealistic.


t1_jdwkwix wrote

I’m not arguing it’s unrealistic. Just that most people don’t do it. Of course I’d clean up spills or anything of that sort right away.
