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6boymom t1_jeemqgu wrote

Found a lot more relief from heat pads instead of ice packs. Heating pad from Amazon at home and those charcoal activated disposable heat pads when out. I had been listening to all the nonsense about icing muscles (with little relief) until I bought a car with a seat warmer and realized instantly that my back felt better after the heat.

Stand more then sit- hamstring stretches, EASY on weights. I would not start with weights until you are out of pain. You can start building core muscles right away by simply contracting your abs while standing- multiple times a day. Contract the muscles for 10 seconds, release. Build up to longer times. Continue heat and I also took ibuprofen when at my worst.

Sitting is the worst, stay active as much as possible, but within reason. Always listen to your body. Weight loss helps if you are overweight. I was pregnant 6 times- had many lower back issues, including sciatica. Now I rarely have pain.

Boys are grown now, and great men. It was worth it! Lol