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84munchkin t1_jd1gihz wrote

And please teach them your first and last names!! I work in retail and when a lost child tells you that mommy's name is Mommy it makes it incredibly hard to call you over the intercom.

As soon as my son could grasp the concept he was able to recite mom and dad's first and last names, our phone number and our address. Every time we were in a super busy or crowded place I would also be sure to point out the uniforms of employees/security guards as we walked around.


nothxshadow t1_jd1q5xu wrote

why does it matter? there is only one mall and one child. surely the parents won't be like "oh uhmm maybe they are looking for someone else"


v-shizzle OP t1_jd1qej7 wrote

Hey it doesn't hurt to teach them your name though lol