Submitted by Fkingmeow t3_1224ldc in LifeProTips
I literally forget everything. I placed my keys on my chair and proceeded to look for them for like 15 minutes. This shit happens so often lol. Please help.
Submitted by Fkingmeow t3_1224ldc in LifeProTips
I literally forget everything. I placed my keys on my chair and proceeded to look for them for like 15 minutes. This shit happens so often lol. Please help.
I always say to myself 'keys in the hands, keys in the hands" I've locked my keys in my car to many times
Out of everything, keys phone wallet happens the least. Still happens but because I always say that I tend to avoid frustration with that. I'm talking about other stuff literally anything. And then I know I was gonna do something but don't know what it was and drives me nuts
Improve one's forgetfulness?!
As I wrote that title it did sound weird to me. You know what I meant lmao
Set up for success. The keys ALWAYS go in the same place. Just like everything else you need often.
Same with me. Now, I learned to slow down before I leave home and give myself one minute to relax so my memory kicks in.
I use a long obnoxious lanyard with loud colors and have a super special key place on the wall that I can easily hit as I walk in and out. I have lost my keys twice in two years and it used to be nearly daily. My solutions involve just accepting I’m out of storage space in my brain and make situations automated.
This is the only answer. Get organized, set routines and stick to them. Have a place for everything and everything in its place.
Try not to think about it.
Simplify, simplify, simplify.
Reduce the number of things you have to remember. Write things down and set yourself reminders in a calendar. Put things in the same place each time.
Also, pay attention to what you’re forgetful about. Maybe there’s a pattern that points at some underlying reason.
for me personally, if there is something I'm afraid I will forget, I stop what I am doing, and say it out loud. saying it and hearing it seems to help.
Possibly ADHD medication. If its just this I wouldn't worry about it, but might want to consider if you have other symptoms that are negatively affecting your life.
Me I just leave the keys in my pocket. Just dont send them through the wash.
Yes, simplify and optimize. If you have a place for things, always return to their spot. When a date comes up for something immediately put it in the calendar. Make lists.
take melatonin and magnesium.
if that doesn't work, seek some medical help.
you probably have adhd. from your description.
Well I'll be damned
sorry. 🙏
it's not the worst thing to have. any consolation.
Appreciate the nice words but if this whole time I do end up having adhd, not that bad tbh I've been out here killing it.
Seek treatment for ADD
Is this a walk in clinic thing or do you go somewhere more specialized?
sounds like adhd my guy. even from what you just said.
sometimes it's easier to adapt. it's a spectrum. i'm bipolar to the point i've been diagnosed psychotic and all. i don't take meds. fucks meds. i'm me. 🙏
side note; practice mindfulness. being self aware all the time really eliminated a lot of that. at least outwardly.
Phone, Wallet, Keys,
Phone, Wallet, Keys.
I’ve hit my head so many times I’ve given up with s things like this. I just simplify my life more and more. No need to have a lot of belongings or things going on at one time. It makes remembering the important things much easier
I went on a mobile phone cleanse for one month where I limited my phone browsing and texting to one hour a day. Instead of texting I called my friends or sent an email via my laptop. I also got back on gchat to chat with friends live on my laptop. My memory improved dramatically and I was shocked/terrified lol.
I used to know a really good method, but … Anyway you have to make a conscious effort to memorize these things. Some people do this automatically. I’d imagine that you have a hard time remembering directions too. I have the same issue. Often, it’s just that you are preoccupied with other things. Again, when you set your keys down look at them and say out loud “my keys are on the table” or wherever. You probably forget where you parked your car too. Do the same. Say it out loud “row 7” or whatever. The worst thing for your memory is to stress about your memory. Now, what was your question again?
Directions yes. I try and remember best I can to just remember the route instead of relying on gps and then it's like wait was it left or right and then I check lol. Parked car is weird I just walk to it automatically. Neat trick I know. Thank you for this I will keep this in mind.
Point of action stations. Writing checklists at different stations in the house. For instance things you need to have put away before exiting the kitchen, bathroom etc…. I also lay out my cloths that I’ll need for the next day, prepack everything that I can for my morning and attach a post it note on my bag with a check list for the things I can’t prepack. For example, my keys, papers, iPad, and water bottle all get packed the night before. I write a note to remind me to get my lunch out of the fridge and my coffee thermos and put that note on my bag so I’ll have the reminder in the morning. I have adhd so all these tricks to set things up in advance are crucial to me.
My rule for everything is that I don't put it down, I put it away. Everything has a place and it goes there when I'm done with it.
I would tell you but I know you are going to forget about this thread so no point.
Primary care, a walk in clinic doctor who doesn't know you or your history probably won't prescribe controlled substances
I attached Apple AirTags to my wallet, keys, and dog’s collar.
Everything has a place, everything goes in its place
Get your thyroid checked. It affected my attention and concentration.
I write everything I’m meant to do in my calendar.
I have a spot where everything goes, and I get a bunch of copies of the important things.
The exception is my phone and I have found it
In the fridge
Under my dryer
In the closet
On top of the microwave
On every tool shelf in the basement
In the ice maker…
Anyway, choose a spot for things for real & use the spot. Put even the most mundane things like garbage day on your calendar so you don’t forget
I carried an old credit card that I had cut out places for my car and house key for years and had used it way to many times. I showed it to a coworker who made his own and around a year later had his wallet stolen. The thieves now not only had his credit cards and money, but his address and access to his house. He was able to change the house door locks before they used them. After that I stopped carrying it and started paying attention before I left the house.
Keys always stay/go same place no matter what.
Dates on calendar annual repeat.
Simplify, always do annual doctor appointments same time each year.
Associate things. Need to remember to take something somewhere? Put in on your shoes so you can't put them on without it being there.
Medication in the way of toothbrush.
Routines, no first glass of water in the morn without meds. Then get breakfast.
Oh Come On! All you have to do . . . is . . . a . . . . . Fuck! I forgot.
And don’t have a grandma. They just clean your room without telling you, and you can’t find your shoes even though they’re a few feet from where you left them.
And don’t have a wife. Mine will ‘reorganise’ without telling me, then forgets where she put the stuff she ‘reorganised’. Drives me batshit crazy
Look into whether or not you might have ashd or some other mental health something going on. It took me a DECADE + to even talk out loud about my struggles or to even think there could be any other reason than me being not good enough to handle life.
One of the many common symptoms of ADHD. Do a little research on the common symptoms, then if you can relate and are able to afford it do a screening. Please, don't self diagnose, there are enough people claiming to have whatever, which makes it pretty fucking difficult to be credible when you actually are diagnosed.
Always have your things in the exact same spot.
For an example I know my work note book is in my work pants, I know I have a cable cutter, a knife, a pen and a pencil in the right work pocket.
I will always carry : a work notebook and different chargers, a wallet and keys, cut resistant gloves, the tools listed before, my work phone and my private phone and lastly a power bank.
Have to have keys in hand and look at them before/whilst leaving the house.
Is there something that's got you so distracted?
I do this every time I leave the house but since reduced it to “phone and wallet” because I can’t drive off without my keys anyways
Visit a psychiatrist and get checked for ADHD, I have it too.
Have a place for everything, make lists, write things down, set up reminders
When you set anything like that down, immediately say in a very loud and clear voice where they are. This auditory stimulus will help you remember. It gives the location emphasis in your mind.
> you probably have adhd. from your description.
My SO never puts anything in the same place twice.
I'm the wife who puts things away for my scatterbrained husband all day and then he gets angry because they aren't where he left them.
Me: "Looking for that screwdriver, honey? Did you try the TOOL BOX?"
Hubby: "Angry mumbling"
Can't help. I bought a small wall hook specifically so I wouldn't keep looking for them. I still search for 10 minutes and get mad and yell at at myself for not putting them in the place I expected. 10 minutes later I find them on the keys hook :(
Not that I can think of. I'm not even stressed or anything. Sometimes I have a lot of tasks with my job or other stuff that I have to do and I forget most of them until it's time to go somewhere. My girlfriend would be like "okay it's time let's go" uhhhh where are we going again?
You love it
Wait,I just had it……crap
Kinda do.
My wife said same.
I guarantee you, you have ADHD
melatonin for adhd? do you just mean to help sleep so you're less forgetful? for some reason melatonin doesn't work for me at all. I tried taking it a few times, it just makes me wake up in 2 hours and it didn't help me fall asleep any faster.
yea, that was my thinking. i'm only going by my wife and kid but if they don't sleep well they are completely scatterbrained the next day.
i use melatonin if i'm wide awake and it's too late to be wide awake. i've read other users having to take wildly varying dosages to get any effect. sometimes only a tiny amount (.3-.5mg) helps people, then there's other people popping like 10mg. seems like a very trial and error/everybody's different type of med.
best to take it a few hours before bed and not at bed time in my experience.
thank you for the quick response!
I have tried taking it earlier before, it just doesn't do anything when i sleep then :(
haven't tried a heavy dosage yet though! I got a little spooked when it just made me wake up from a nightmare after 2 hours a coupon times. like it just seemed to make things worse for me. I wonder if different brands of melatonin make a difference.
if you or anyone has experienced something similar and got it to work please let me know :)
>haven't tried a heavy dosage like you suggested yet though!
i'm not exactly suggesting it, i was just stating it. 😂
being hesitant about that just means you're cautious, which you should be taking any meds. definitely research it. i'm a lucky one, low doses work great for me.
i know some people are brand name loyal but i've never noticed any difference with melatonin personally.
you could also try zquil gummies if the melatonin doesn't work itself. it's got melatonin in them but it's got some other stuff that helps sleep. they're pretty non-habit forming, i was taking them for awhile and then just stopped one day, wasn't a big deal.
sorry! didn't mean to put words in your mouth :) I edited my post! (in case someone doesn't read this far) thanks for adding your experience!
Thanks doc! But yeah I'll probably go ahead and confirm it soon lol
If I need to bring something with me when I leave the house, I put my car keys in that thing. I can't leave without it.
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