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Bryan_Mills2020 t1_je51avg wrote

Yes, you want to get ACV that is organic and contains "the mother" which it should state clearly on the label. Start with 1 Tbsp per day and dilute it with about 8 oz of water, Powerade, or fruit juice. Do not drink it straight as it may burn your throat. It has a very strong taste and odor, but you should get used to it. After drinking it, be sure to rinse your mouth several times as it will remove the enamel from your teeth. ACV has a bunch of health benefits like lowering your blood sugar level, removing calcium buildup in your soft tissues, and suppressing your appetite. Some people find that it stimulates digestion and they end going to the bathroom more often. You can increase your consumption to 2 Tbsp per day, but really shouldn't do more than that. Do a search on YouTube for ACV as there is a ton of info there.