metisdesigns t1_je33o6n wrote
And cause damage to the other vehicle, potentially increasing your overall cost instead of just having some minor cosmetic damage.
OGsweedster420 t1_je340ko wrote
Why would it matter if the other person hit you. I had to put mine on because people kept backing into my truck I. My parking lot at my apartments.
[deleted] t1_je342aq wrote
True. Keep a 3 ball on mine at all times. Wife got rear ended, didn’t touch my vehicle. Scraped up the ball a bit. Other car had a gaping hole and a hanging front bumper.
nosnevenaes t1_je345dx wrote
Friend of a friend was literally decapitated by one that came loose and fell off on the freeway.
[deleted] t1_je347w8 wrote
Squab27 t1_je34kvu wrote
This is illegal in my state.
metisdesigns t1_je34toc wrote
Some states are no fault. Or you may have been in reverse making it all your fault in other places. Or it will probably give you or a passenger whiplash where the bumper may have absorbed the impact as intended.
Lyongirl100894 t1_je34v84 wrote
But be careful when backing into spaces where you might hang it out into a walkway or sidewalk. Wheelchairs need their space.
EntertainerKooky1309 t1_je353dp wrote
Or until someone steals it
Jaded_Prompt_15 t1_je372fd wrote
Yeah, this "saves" the thing that's designed to absorb impact, and puts it on your frame.
Less cosmetic damage, more structural damage.
It's a terrible tradeoff
imakenosensetopeople t1_je39qur wrote
Oh I never even thought of that. By connecting to the frame it takes all those nice crash zones out of the equation so they’re not absorbing any of the impact.
Beneficial-Bluebirds t1_je3asqc wrote
Supremely dick move.
Don't do this.
ChrisGeritol t1_je3cnec wrote
Don't rear end someone. That is a dick move.
Beneficial-Bluebirds t1_je3rrh2 wrote
No, that's an accident. A mistake.
Deliberately installing/leaving your trailer hitch in place to disable a safety feature of your car at the expense of their car is a dick move.
ChrisGeritol t1_je3szkm wrote
Don't hit my vehicle and your vehicle won't be damaged. Seriously, you jackassed into me, you don't get sympathy.
OGsweedster420 t1_je4lryg wrote
I have a lock on mine.
keepthetips t1_je33bpk wrote
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