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DieDae t1_je99dbu wrote

I just tell them to make me look good. Idgaf how my hair looks 365 days out of the year. Only on leap years do I care for a day.


rosco2155 t1_je9o80i wrote

This is oddly terrifying


EASellsShittyCopper t1_jea5y6q wrote

i went 2 years (of covid) before i got a haircut just this year


shartney t1_jeakh94 wrote

I went 32 months and finally caved as I was visiting SF for work and walked by 'Golden Phoenix Hair Salon For Men & Women' and knew it was time for an impulse cut. Couldn't be happier with the results. Only $20 and I was the only person under 70 in the place. They also had one chair reserved for their cat.