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keepthetips t1_je995m4 wrote

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China-Phone t1_je99736 wrote

I do but new barbers still manage to mess it up every time...


DieDae t1_je99dbu wrote

I just tell them to make me look good. Idgaf how my hair looks 365 days out of the year. Only on leap years do I care for a day.


Ekh0es t1_je9adct wrote

I can't take a photo of myself I am too ugly. Phone automatically detects how ugly I am and shuts off. I am so ugly even a phone can't bare to look at me.


amcnewman t1_je9d4q3 wrote

You know what? That is a good idea.


rotating_pebble t1_je9g2zv wrote

I have lost all care in my physical appearance, my hair hangs like a dirty, flaccid entanglement of shoelaces


TheDanishThede t1_je9g8hq wrote

May want to get details on mm on sides, top, etc. I know I always get asked what I want and can never remember


supergrl126301 t1_je9hq7d wrote

SO I have done this. I had photos of the front, back, sides, pulled back to show the different layers and angles etc like 15 photos. Printed them out (before ipads and the like were a viable option) handed them over and said "make me now, look like me then" and they messed it up so bad, that I told her to just pixie cut it and I'll start all over.
I'm sure there are stylists who would have done a great job, but the salon I went to...terrible I never went back there .


isarl t1_je9kio7 wrote

Instead of taking a selfie, I ask the barber/stylist to take the photos with my own phone. I figure they'll do a better job getting the right angles than I will.

Of course, this won't prevent a bad stylist from messing up your hair. But it can help a good one know what you want.


TheMaStif t1_je9m6j1 wrote

Better yet, understand what your barber is doing so you can tell it to someone new.

You used clippers on my head? What size, where?

Did you cut some parts with scissors? How many inches did you cut off that part?

Notice if you have a cowlick that needs special maneuvering around, etc.

It's easier if they know what they're doing rather than trying to figure out how to recreate the final product.


SubstantialWish t1_je9mgpd wrote

I can tell a guy wrote this bc no girl on earth would forget to take a selfie after getting a hair cut


ToughRock99 t1_je9o3vh wrote

I do this, but new barbers try to be extra creative. That screws everything.


Dogenegra t1_je9pkat wrote

It's hilarious that you think I can afford a hair cut


Mr_Bluebird_VA t1_je9pvfe wrote

Has not worked for me. Got a FANTASTIC haircut 4 cuts ago. I showbher the pictures every time and we've not been able to replicate that majesty that was that first haircut. But we try!


YYC9393 t1_je9qgsu wrote

After a good post, copy and paste it back to this sub every three days for fake internet points.


Jibril7260 t1_je9sg7v wrote

A medium fade is not a hard haircut to do well. When I ask for one and they do me dirty, then I find a different barber. That said I see your point for people who have more specific cuts or more unique hair they're trying to keep on their heads.


SightWithoutEyes t1_je9w01j wrote

Further life pro tip: don’t have pictures of your father’s bed sores in the same group of pictures you want to show to other people. Learned that one the hard way myself.


neaRr- t1_je9wwi3 wrote

This guy so ugly, last week Time glanced at him and it skipped an hour.

So ugly he has to use black towels only.

He so ugly, he the reason they created underground levels for buildings.


Nibbled92 t1_je9zaa5 wrote

I just go to the same hairdresser every four weeks. She remembers me and how I like it. I just say, "same as last time" and she knows

Been a satisfied customer for five years


Reedy99 t1_jea1ref wrote

Or just befriend your favourite barber so when you go there he just says “how you doing mate? The usual?”.

Always a pleasure to sit and have a little chat atleast for the first few minutes before it gets too noisy


dandroid126 t1_jea2x6z wrote

I'll remember to do this when my hair decides to grow. I'm sure it'll be any day now.


thesykemyth t1_jea3qvt wrote

It's cool. He should just have my haircut records. They were sent over from my mom in Texas.


style9 t1_jea6khh wrote

Actually, get someone else to take a video while you turn around, so they can see all sides easily. In general, great advice!


Doublebaconandcheese t1_jea6wn3 wrote

LPT: Find a good barber and stick with them so you don’t have to take pics of your hair to show a new barber


DOCTOR_DUBPLATE t1_jea88nn wrote

Seems kinda irrelevant when going to the same barber because your barber isn't going to perfectly so your hair the exact same every time. They're not automated robots, they're human beings. Sometimes your fade will be ever so slightly higher than last time. Sometimes you'll still have fuzzy hair on your neck because they forgot to shave it off for you.


No-Kaleidoscope5752 t1_jeabb56 wrote

Not one hairdresser has ever cut me well no matter what I did. Seems like they don’t know how to handle curly hair. Been cutting my own hair for 5 yrs now and it is the best decision I ever made.


Diab9lic t1_jeafwsy wrote

Or just point to one of the generic pictures on the wall poster that is faded AF and keep it moving.


porky1122 t1_jeahplt wrote

New barber?!

Is it just me or does it feel wrong to cheat on your barber.


supergrl126301 t1_jeakh0h wrote

I've started bringing an iPad with a Pinterest board. but ultimately since i just get a short/pixie/faux hawk type short style and main point being donating my hair, i dont fully care what happens anymore
Even started doing it for my tattoo artist shes been telling her clients to do the same.


shartney t1_jeakh94 wrote

I went 32 months and finally caved as I was visiting SF for work and walked by 'Golden Phoenix Hair Salon For Men & Women' and knew it was time for an impulse cut. Couldn't be happier with the results. Only $20 and I was the only person under 70 in the place. They also had one chair reserved for their cat.


KayC720 t1_jeakz4p wrote

A new barber? Like an affair?


yugi007 t1_jealnlw wrote

Bold of you to assume that I get a good haircut.


anonymous2278 t1_jear5ny wrote

I’ve had exactly one haircut in my life that I loved. I took pictures of it. Went back to the salon when it was time to cut it again. The stylist who did it wasn’t there anymore. The new stylist fucked it up. Every stylist I’ve been to since has fucked it up. I finally just started telling them to cut it at shoulder length and call it a day. I really miss having that haircut though, it made me feel so pretty. As a rather unattractive woman that feeling is rare.


Psilynce t1_jearsj3 wrote

I don't understand the relevance of black towels only, but it did make me laugh thinking about qualifying "you're so ugly..." jokes with completely nonsensical statements.

"Frank is so ugly, he can only have strawberries in his strawberry-banana smoothies."

"Shelby is so ugly, she has to look both ways twice before crossing the street."


Opening_Ad_6365 t1_jeat3j7 wrote

tried and they still failed. like i gave you 5 angles and still managed to not do what i asked for. havent gotten my hair professionally cut in over 4 years bc they always fuck it up. id rather DIY and ruin my own hair than spend 80$ for someone else to fuck it up


antons83 t1_jeatkux wrote

My barber speaks a different language than me. This is how we communicate. I show him a picture of my haircut. He nods and says "same?" I say yes. Then he gestures to ask how my baby is doing. I tell him how old she is now and show some vids and pics. He always smiles. I hope to have him around for a long time.


Snoo-35252 t1_jeausf9 wrote

I do this and it works great. Just moved to a new city and got the same cut.

I also like to say "#2 clippers on the sides, and about 1 inch long on the top." That helps clarify a few things.

Granted my haircut is simple, but showing a photo really helps.


KingoftheMongoose t1_jeawpmd wrote

But do I take a photo when it's freshly cut and slightly lopsided, when it grows a tad and hits the Goldilocks 'just right' phase that I typically forget about my hair, or when it's long unkempt and desperately in need of attention?


_haha_oh_wow_ t1_jeb1w0a wrote

LPT: Learn to cut your own hair to save a ton of time, money, and suffering.


thereasonrumisgone t1_jeb2cpt wrote

I've done this before, but it's never helped. It's like my barber can't see where he's working.


unitcodes t1_jeb3u5a wrote

yea let me first reach the “good haircut” checkpoint


reddit887799 t1_jeb3vdi wrote

With all these talk s about AI ( artificial intelligence ) I really like a idea of this one robot who gives you that perfect cut every time.


michary t1_jeb4m2i wrote

But do it only if you like the result… Otherwise you will end up again with the same regret.


pmmeyourfavsongs t1_jeb730a wrote

You'd be surprised. I usually got "idk. Shorter." When I asked what they wanted. Sometimes I'd try asking how long it's been since their last cut to get an idea of how much has grown out but then I'd just get a shrug.

Usually the easy ones were the guys that came straight from outdoor work that have been getting the exact same cut since they were kids (or at least most of their adult lives)


LemonSquaresButRound t1_jebcmgw wrote

Some barber shops save your information for you fyi. Great Clips, a brand thing in the USA, saves your information across their locations


Hot_Mud7329 t1_jebfylx wrote

Me: I’m growing it out a bit if you can just trim around the edges?

Barber: so do you want the straight blade or a zero?


Some_Guy_At_Work55 t1_jebkm10 wrote

I pull up a picture on my phone before I go in. Way easier than trying to explain what I want. I show them the picture and say 'make me look like this'


BigCommieMachine t1_jebm8w0 wrote

Your best option is find a barber you like and tipping extremely well. They will remember you. They will squeeze you in. They will remember the cut you like. If they move shops, they will take you with them.

And I mean by tipping well, if the cut is $20, go in preparing to spend $30-$40.


BlacBlood t1_jebnavh wrote

This doesn’t always work. Barbers are always different.


NInjamaster600 t1_jebqqu9 wrote

Went to a nice salon and they offered to take after photos on my phone for that reason


Jyil t1_jebrwkq wrote

I would take a picture after two weeks because that's when I enjoy my cut the best. Every new barber I go to manages to take off double the amount I tell them, so that'll at least get me back to the previous week, which I can live with.


d-rabbit-17 t1_jebx64b wrote

I went to the same barber who done my hair the way I now want it everytime with a picture and in 5 attempts now he has never gotten it the same and none of his colleagues can either so all in all about 4 years since I last had my hair the way I want it.


BiteMaJobby t1_jec061e wrote

Instructions not clear I showed a picture of my dick and now I am a dickhead


Kirahei t1_jec2251 wrote

Could you elaborate I (assuming the US) thought all schools in the US were standardized, I know it’s anecdotal but every barber I’ve every gone to across the country(US) I ask for a 3-2 fade with a 3 inch top, and get a similar result everytime.

I’m genuinely curious cause I see a lot of posts about people having difficulties and never understood why.


kuang89 t1_jeccb5e wrote

I do this but with mix results, usually good ones, just say you looking for a short haircut and maybe add one other thing, then the rest just you cut how you decide is good.

Helps if there is a queue and you get to see how the barber is cutting other’s hair


hawley088 t1_jecgxpc wrote

And keep going back to the same Barber. They eventually learn your hair and you also gain a friend


HonestCup20 t1_jecjdsx wrote

"1 on the sides, and trim the top.. thanks" they've never messed it up, no matter which barber shop i happen to go to.


TimeTruthHearts t1_jecm1pj wrote

This is anecdotal experience from barbers/salons I've been to.

Some people use clippers more, some don't use scissors, some only use scissors. Some don't need guards, some do. Some aren't good with straight hair, some don't know curly. After years of getting cuts and talking to barbers I've realized there is a lot of nuance to cutting hair and no two barbers cut the same or have the same set of skills. And that's not even touching on styling like perms, dyes, waves, etc.

It's all on what the barber was around when learning, was the population/instructors mostly white, latin, east-asian, middle eastern? All races have different kinds of hairs and ways to cut/style them. I don't think there is a set guideline on what you need to know, you just have to fulfill the hours and pass the test to get your license.


brothertuck t1_jecs262 wrote

I take a picture anyway because usually it's been over a year, and I post it among my selfies on social media.


LeChefK_Tang t1_jectxuq wrote

LPT: If you get a good haircut, don't go to a different barber.


WirelessTrees t1_jecwvi8 wrote

I've been waiting for a time I get a good enough haircut that's worth taking a picture of for future barbers.


black_paddle t1_jeddgng wrote

I do but my new barber says he can't do anything with just a picture of a pile of cut hair


BrotherRoga t1_jedkm49 wrote

It's fine, whatever I ask for ends up with me getting a buzz cut anyway


kie7an t1_jedprp6 wrote

And then they do whatever they want anyways and I look awful. But I still give them the “oh yeah that’s perfect that yeah, thanks “


bobmguthrie t1_jedx86f wrote

Another one for the “they still mess it up”,… the last time even the barber had the same haircut as my photo, didn’t matter, screw it up and I have to get this haircut fixed (long hairs left in the back of the trimmed neck).


01_slowbra t1_jee0m05 wrote

Or keep going to the barber/stylist who got it right and become a regular.

I’ve had the same stylist for 8 years and just sit in the chair have a wonderful conversation pay and leave.


AnnonymousRedditor86 t1_jeevfvy wrote

When I go to a new barber and they ask what I want.

  • I want the one that gets a raise.
  • I want the one that gets me laid.
  • If anyone asks me where I get my haircut, I'm going to tell them you did it. Do what you would want people to see.

Ultimately, what my hair looks like is your problem. I dont have to look at it, you do.