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Brilliant-Towel4044 t1_jd6j88g wrote

That's brilliant. I'm wishing I had these right now as I'm dealing with air exchanger problems.


EarlyProperty199 t1_jd6jhgt wrote

Well, hindsight is always 20/20 but foresight requires a good camera and some construction site sneakiness.


myrevenge_IS_urkarma t1_jd6xqlz wrote

Just go on the weekend or holiday if possible, but none of the subcontractors working on my house gave two shits that I was there. One even got me to help him because he was working alone and was tired of going up and down the stairs. Also, I have at least one cable box that they never trimmed out and I wouldn't have known if I didn't have the pictures. I didn't get to pick the locations, I bought too late and couldn't deviate from their plans.


Mocavius t1_jd7ivwi wrote

Bro no one will question you if you just wear a safety vest or a hard hat. And that's sticking out. Lose the vest, and gauge whether or not you need the hard hat.

Pre drywall or roofing still being worked on at adjacent addresses? hard hat.

Drywall up, and just trim out work with ram board on the floor? No hard hat.

Or fuck it. Go after 5. No GC is there after 5. Well, the bad ones aren't. The good ones stay. But the good ones are too busy fixing the fuck ups from the shitty contractors.