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chuckdooley OP t1_jeagqzm wrote

What a weird thing to fixate on. You don’t know one thing about my background or finances (or, to be honest, lack thereof)

I grew up in an ag town in Kansas. I went to public school, public university and have worked my ass off since I was 14

I’m a recovering alcoholic that nearly drank myself to death because of my career.

I am me and that’s it.

I don’t care whether someone started beneath me above me or the same as me. We all have to do it…it’s easier for some than others, that’s a fact of life.

Why would you try to discount the advice I’m giving?

Edit: I'm not saying you can't challenge me, again, I welcome that, but to make huge assumptions because "maybe you didn't consider you have an easier life than others" is such a simple way of looking at it....this isn't "get rich with these three easy steps", this is, "hey, you probably have some positive opportunities even in a bad situation, explore those options"

And please don’t quote the bootstraps thing to me…that isn’t even close to what I’m saying. I’m saying, we all have the same amount of time on this earth…instead of saying, I can’t do this because XYZ, think positively

Edit: also, talk about really missing the point, I never once said I was self-made….I have taken advantage of the opportunities laid in front of me….I stand on the shoulders of giants (we all do) and if you don’t take advantage of the work done before you, that’s on you

Edit: you being the royal you, not you specifically


NaturalSelectorX t1_jeane1n wrote

> I never once said I was self-made

When you say "I'm proof that it works", "it" being the work and choices you made, that's being self-made.

> I have taken advantage of the opportunities laid in front of me

Right. I'm saying you are privileged to have those opportunities. The person cleaning toilets at Wendy's (that was your example) doesn't have professional development opportunities like an accountant. Being the best toilet cleaner gets you more toilets to clean.

> Why would you try to discount the advice I’m giving?

Because it's a view of the world that only applies to a relatively privileged few, and seems insulting to those that are not. The person at Wendy's is far better off trying to attend night school or other education opportunities outside of work. Putting in maximum effort at Wendy's comes at a huge opportunity cost. You should be turning down those extra shifts to work on getting out of Wendy's. Taking advantage of professional development is great for those who have it available, but you tried to pretend this can apply to toilet cleaners.