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keepthetips t1_itgrhso wrote

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[deleted] t1_itgso5s wrote

Not really how it works. Every DJ stand will each be different volume wise. Also the DJ does set the volume automatically


Em_Adespoton t1_itgsudt wrote

I just created the playlist for my wedding myself, including volume levels. I paid my own fees and just had the MC press play and pause at the appropriate places.


EpsteinWasHung OP t1_itguhwg wrote

The DJ is able to adjust the master volume.

Nearly all the weddings I've been at have been at a volume that you'd find at a loud club making conversations nearly impossible.


Justme100001 t1_ith0vcw wrote

DJ''s don't want guest talking to each other and leave the dance floor empty. If you can't hear anything they say, you might as well go out there dancing...


BackwoodsRoller t1_ithp35h wrote

"60% volume" can be totally different based on the DJs system and the size / shape of the room, the amount of guests, etc.


Hygro t1_itii8sz wrote

60%, of course, is just an emotional number that means "a lot less, but still over 50% so make sure it's still a party" that the DJ will understand.


egnards t1_itixgq3 wrote

A good DJ at a wedding is also going to be your go to for pretty much everything.

Our DJ was like a secondary day of coordinator who helped us make sure everything ran smoothly, nobody got control of the mic that wasn’t supposed to talk, and hell, he even grabbed us drinks from the bar when he saw ours were empty but we were inundated with people not letting us get over there.


sirSheepDog t1_itjagqd wrote

DJ here. It's less about the volume and more about the separation of space. Usually the dance floor looks out on the dining tables where the speakers are facing the tables. If say the speakers were setup at and angle it allows the dancers to have a good fun volume but also having the volume at the table significantly less. Drunk dancers like volume and table conversionalists want background music. There's almost always a way to accomplish this. Bring it up with your DJ and if they don't think they can accomplish is, honestly find a new DJ. This is the type of thing that separates professionals from self taught playlist makers.


lovepuppy31 t1_itlwayq wrote

DJ's have one Universal setting and its blasting music at a EDM club or underground rave and they don't feel like manually changing it for each venue. You'd either have to bribe the DJ with some extra green and slice of wedding cake or getting a wedding singer ala Adam Sandler