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t1_itz12rg wrote

So, what you’re saying is follow at a safe distance. This is exactly the reason for leaving 1 car length for every 10 MPH


t1_itz2j7s wrote

2 second rule is much easier to gauge. “Only a fool breaks for the 2 second rule”


OP t1_itz65wu wrote

well yeah, but when it comes to a road block and u have to completely stop, everyone glues themselves as close to the car in front as possible. U dont need braking distance if ur stationary right? noone thinks of someone hitting them from behind tho


t1_iu01at2 wrote

Any "rules" about following distance are impractical and honestly not very useful. Follow at a distance where you can stop if you need to. Lots of things effect this, such as speed, road conditions, how awake you are, how far ahead you're looking, etc. There's no magic rule for how far you should follow.

If I'm on I-91 in rural Vermont in a snowstorm at 11pm, I'm leaving 50 car lengths between me and the guy in front of me. If I'm on I-78 in suburban NJ and high on caffeine and have a bunch of people trying to cut into my lane right in front of me, I'm following at less than 5 car lengths. It's situational.


t1_iu1f19j wrote

Or if you're on i-76 in Philly, you ride the person's ass in front of you because the Littlest bit of room and some douche is gonna take it


t1_iu1fl9k wrote

78 in NJ is a similar principle. You give a car length in front of you and someone will take it. What’s yours is mine.


t1_iu136gc wrote

Yellow light time is 1 second for every 10MPH of the posted speed limit


t1_iu2l5cw wrote

All fun and games until other cars fill in your "safe distance"