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t1_iugf927 wrote

It’s not about working harder. It’s about continued development, consistency, efficiency, and follow through.


t1_iuhykyi wrote

Maybe if you care a lot about your job and derive purpose from your job, but I don’t. Neither do most people. I work to live, I don’t live to work. I don’t need to be more efficient or develop in my job, I’m here to get paid and go home. I don’t get paid for working harder or working more efficiently, I get paid per hour and in my company, being friends with the manager matters much more than your actual job performance when it comes to promotions and other benefits. I will always do the bare minimum I need to support my ideal lifestyle, which is having shelter, a safe place for my record collection, and enough time to enjoy my hobbies. I have no interest in making a lot of money, “building a career”, or being successful in a capitalist sense. I don’t plan on ever owning a car, and I want to live within my means. The only development that truly matters to me is becoming a more loving friend, family member, community member, and boyfriend. Maybe become vegetarian at some point too. Capitalism takes advantage of hard workers and “company men/women” and promises them success they rarely attain. No wonder young people are changing jobs every few years in order to climb the salary ladder, there is 0 incentive to develop within most companies. They will take your extra labor/efficiency and give you nothing in return.