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Pinikanut t1_iu5q3k0 wrote

I usually reply STOP and it works.

A few times the emails I got were from actual people working for campaigns, rather than bots. In those cases I wrote back "please stop texting/calling me and immediately remove my contact information from your call/text lists or I will vote against what you are texting me about."

I only got a single text this year and I am pretty happy about that.


frostymatador13 t1_iu5wzfp wrote

I did that with a door to door campaigner “I am voting for whoever bothers me the least” never had another show up


honorthecrones t1_iu6m3ki wrote

I’m getting tons of these and the STOP is different each time. Stop2End or StoptoEnd there are minor differences in the command you have to text back and there is only one text per number. Some of them start with Pat or Steve (not my name) and I have NEVER contributed to a candidate over text. Super aggravating