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Lumpy-Spinach-6607 t1_iu9v7rp wrote

Any advice for if you live with a landlord who is mpstly reasonable but in times of their personl stress, act nastily passively aggressive with you?

I just get so triggered when Im unable to respond to defend myself because of the current power imbalance which returns me to my childhood emotional and SA at the hands at my parents?

My heart races, I tremble with fear and anger and feel my internal emotional reaction is out of my control...


Captain490 t1_iuae9zq wrote

Multiple aspects to comment on...

First. Move. Yes you can get your own place. Find an inexpensive studio. Work a second part time job if you have to. Its your choice to live where you do. Move.

Next. I 100% believe our brains are muscles our inner self controls. Its not always easy, but I control how I feel. Fear is controllable. Anxiety is controllable. You are choosing to be afraid. Choosing to be a victim. Choosing to be intimidated. Work at controlling your emotions. All of us can. Empower yourself.

Take a free self defense class. Watch YouTubes on self defense. Become situationally aware. Do whatever you need to do to become more self confident. Consider getting firearm training. Avoid intimidating situations. Start embracing philosophies such as "Lions not Sheep". Wear empowering slogans on t-shirts. Focus every moment on becoming the strong person you want to be. It will happen. And much faster than you think.

Focus on you. Change everything. Sacrafice. Work hard. You will become the confident person you want to be.

Start today.


Lumpy-Spinach-6607 t1_iub8wkw wrote

Thank you very much. Great advice. So apprecoative of your knowledge and time.