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Far-Two8659 t1_iuk2ubf wrote

If your goal is money and quick, be a developer, not a doctor.


Natural_Insurance460 OP t1_iuk35mu wrote

That would have worked if I was starting it as a career but I want to know about alternative at this stage


Far-Two8659 t1_iuk3n81 wrote

It takes several years to study medicine to become an intern, another year for resident, another year for full blown doctor, and who knows how many more before you pay back your loans.

It takes 6 months to be a skilled programmer/dev, and in 2 years of hard work you can be really knowledgeable. You'll make more money than any non-private practice doctor, you won't have loans, and you'll be starting your career five-ish years earlier.

If you want to be a doctor, by all means, do it. But you said you want to make money quickly. That will make you a poor doctor, and you have a very long road ahead before you make any significant salary. Like 6-7 years before 6 figures at LEAST.


Natural_Insurance460 OP t1_iuk4x14 wrote

Thanks for this suggestion sir. It is a really great advice. I will try to consider it as an option too.


Far-Two8659 t1_iuk744k wrote

I'm not sure what your options are in India as far as being a Physicians Assistant? If you're not familiar, they're basically a doctor, but not quite. Takes much less school, much less money up front, and ultimately doesn't change your salary by much.

The only real drawback I'm aware of is you can't go into private practice as a Doctor, which is really where the money is for MDs.


keepthetips t1_iujzaju wrote

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