Lets-Go-Fly-ers t1_iud7m62 wrote
How is this supposed to improve my life?
cuzdeeznutz t1_iue7qt4 wrote
because once you do so, you will befriend 7 short friends, gain a fairy godmother, and find a prince after ditching your evil stepfamily
Minnewildsota t1_iud9le5 wrote
You’ll hear more birds when you wake up? Not sure.
Tittle42 t1_iudejtd wrote
Well instead of using deer, rabbit, squirrel fur which has lice and fleas they can use your dog fur which doesn’t?
I don’t know, I brush mine outside so I’m getting this effect. Life tip is just brush your animals outside to keep the fur out of your house?
ToxicEwok t1_iudy0eo wrote
The local birds won’t be scared of your cats smell so you’ll save money on bird food.
Theshutupguy t1_iuepnh5 wrote
And cat food!
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