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Surprise_Fragrant t1_iuf9q6p wrote

I do something like this, but also follow up with a reward. As an example, I'll wash a load of dishes, then set a timer for 30 minutes and read a book on the couch. Then I'll take out the trash, and spend 30 minutes on Twitter.

By rewarding myself, I've found that I'll often do more than just the one chore (I'll do dishes AND sweep the floor, for instance) before I take my reward.

Also, I'm a huge fan of To-Do Lists... as long as they're broken down into small tasks. My list doesn't say "Do Laundry," but instead "Wash 2 Loads," "Fold Laundry," "Put Hanging Laundry Away," etc. Smaller bites are more manageable for me, and I get much more done.