Submitted by Specialist-Primary74 t3_yd5xpy in LifeProTips

I am horrible at eating lunch/breakfast and I am a very picky eater so I’m just wondering if y’all have any tips that work well for y’all in terms of convincing yourself to eat, what to cook quickly, how to meal prep without getting tired of eating the same thing every day etc. I feel so lazy not wanting to cook myself lunch but in reality I don’t even know what to buy when I go to the grocery store so I never have anything to even cook with when I do get the energy.

My only problem with meal prepping is the repetition and saving it in the fridge. It’s extremely hard for me to eat something if I ate it the day before and my body just doesn’t think it tastes good unless it’s freshly cooked.

Thanks in advance!

  • Someone who just wants to gain some damn weight


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Kpt1NSANO t1_itq6r51 wrote

Smoothies for breakfast maybe. Yogurt, cashew butter, blueberries, spinach, banana, milk of your choice. Its sweet, fast, and nutritious.

On a side note you need to really push yourself to eat a big variety of foods. Extreme Food pickiness is an immature trait and will be frowned upon as you age, it's most likely your parents fault allowing it to get to this point but now it's on you to move past it.


ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_itq7qpo wrote

Get a crock pot. Make perpetual stew.

Start off simple, you're making a basic stew, lots of hard veggies and some meat. Not poultry. Sausage, beef, pork etc is fine. Chop it up. Add some extra flavourings if you want - herbs, tinned tomatoes whatever. A bit of water to just cover everything.

Do that first thing in the morning day one. By evening you will have a delicious stew.

Do not turn your Crockpot off. Add some more ingredients. Whatever you have to hand (more meat if you want, but no poultry, no fish). More veggies? Potatoes? Beans? Go right ahead.

Tomorrow you'll have a new, different are for lunch with near zero effort. And for dinner too. You can buy really cheap veggies, cuts off meat etc, and they'll come out great.

Each day, just chuck a bit more in. However if that Crockpot ever turns off for more than a few minutes, start again. You can keep what you've already made (freeze it) but start again for the next batch.


[deleted] t1_itqanjc wrote

If you've enjoyed a meal at a friends ask for the recipe or the name of the cookbook. I like the LooneySpoons cookbooks as they are simple, have the list of ingredients needed and are delicious.

Make food that can freeze and reheat easily. Surprisingly some meals actually taste better.

Do a potluck meal with friends once or twice a month.


acnlkoze t1_itqgzg8 wrote

Stuff it in your face Chew Swallow



SeaWitchK t1_itqh94p wrote

"pickiness" can also be a disability, an aspect of a disability, or a (treatable) condition. It's not a moral failing, and being judged for it is harmful. People are not superior for what they do or do not eat.


Specialist-Primary74 OP t1_itqj7s2 wrote

Most of my pickiness comes from texture or just my stomach refusing it. Texture = I will gag it up and won’t swallow it. Stomach = just looking at something or smelling something can make me throw up

Yogurt falls in there with the texture unfortunately but adding granola and strawberries does tend to help it get down. I like crunchiness


AcanthisittaJaded473 t1_itqjmom wrote

Use one of those food services I think there’s one called eat fresh. It’s not that expensive and it’s healthy portion controlled ready to cook meals delivered to your door.


CutOffRiley t1_itqlv5d wrote

I also don’t like meal prepping, but I do make dinners that can make enough food for three meals for me and my husband. As a newbie to cooking I say keep it simple! Use spices. Use butter. Don’t worry necessarily about keeping it clean until you become more familiar with cooking basics. Favorite easy meals - turkey tacos, pasta and broccoli, chicken&rice. Make things that are yummy and reheat nicely. Don’t worry about trying to cook for the whole week, I hate day four leftovers, how boring!


CutOffRiley t1_itqmpgk wrote

Also adding eggs to anything instantly makes it “breakfast.” Throw an egg in a mug, pop the yolk with a fork gently, cover with a wet paper towel and cook for 45-60 seconds (basically however wet you like your yolk), throw in a small tab of butter and mix up with your fork. Easy breakfast! Easy cleanup.


beepbeep-amsheep t1_itqq8vz wrote

there’s a meal kit service called Factor and as someone who has trouble eating, that helped me a lot

the meals are actually really really good and good for you and the absolute best part? just microwave them. it was a game changer for me until i found a routine that’s allowed me to get back on track


pra_com001 t1_itt7ivm wrote

Try making Bercher Muesli for breakfast, you can make a batch that will last you few days. Get an instant pot. Try making dal/lentils for few days. It's nutritious and a comfort food.


Hestianna_01 t1_ituo28f wrote

Remember that pre-made meals or kits or sauce packets are your friends. You are NOT a failure or lazy for needing to pop something in the microwave and/or not making everything from scratch.

Grab that pre-cooked chicken and that pre-made pouch of sauce and tell yourself that it's okay.

Also if you do meal prep: prep a basic meal that you can change the flavor profile of when you re-heat it. It might help to trick yourself into not thinking of it as the same meal each time.

Edit for easier reading (hopefully. I'm on mobile)