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t1_iuju9cn wrote

r/shittylifeprotips next Halloween turn off all the lights and buy no candy.


t1_iujwcxf wrote

Chicagoland: check the weather before following this tip. Could be lovely, could be rainy, could snow..! That makes a big difference in the foot traffic in my experience.


t1_iuju5oi wrote

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t1_iujuvdi wrote

Have had a journal of this for the past 10 years. There was a big dip due to COVID in the past few (I'm Canadian and in one of the more cautious provinces), but we're back up to what's looking like about 200 this year. The journal gets saved in our hallowe'en decorations storage box so we won't lose it.

A second post-house-buying tip is to ask a couple neighbors how many kids you normally have for Hallowe'en in your first year there.


t1_iujvy13 wrote

Week that's easy. It's the dance number as every year, 0


t1_iujx0lx wrote

Or just set a time limit for handing it out and adjust your distribution accordingly. I buy a large bag and give out candy from 6-8. If I run out, lights out. If it’s slow and looking like I’ll have excess, I give out extra. If I have a lot extra at 8, I just leave the cheap bucket out at the end of the driveway with a sign that says take one.


t1_iujvty2 wrote

Or you can be oh I don't know sane and do the sensible thing buy a bulk bag or two hand it out till it's gone turn out your lights after the fact. There's no rule you have to supply every crotch goblin that exists. They are their parents responsibility not yours.