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RogerRabbit1234 t1_iydo768 wrote

Never for any reason put FOG down your drain. (Fats Oil Grease.. ) for any reason… filtered through a coffee filter or otherwise. Right in the trash can. Your future plumbing bill will thank you.


SliverCobain t1_iyeats6 wrote

Old milk kartons works great. Before the oil crisis here in denmark, i was on keto and used a lot of fats. I simply opened op, rinsed with water and stood by the sink.. Easily filled after a few dinners, and then ready to trash.


[deleted] t1_iydpq69 wrote



High_Guardian t1_iydwcr3 wrote

I just moved into this apartment, thanks for fucking up the drains now I have to wait a week for the landlord to get them replaced


[deleted] t1_iydxn6n wrote



Inlhia t1_iye9t3d wrote

Wait. Are you actively encouraging people to ruin their apartment plumbing to fuck over landlords and then getting upset when it’s not repaired fast enough? What a ride


[deleted] t1_iyedd4h wrote



Inlhia t1_iyedlc1 wrote

I’m not a landlord simp, I’m just not an asshole. I also live in my apartment and have actual responsibilities.

Does your mom know you shove things down the drain or is she considered your landlord so you do it anyway?