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pioneertele OP t1_ixtf2so wrote

Wierd. My goodwill has different sizes off and on. I waited till i found the right one. Maybe its just your store?


BreakfastBeerz t1_ixtktuo wrote

No you didn't. You broke yours, went to the thrift shop hoping to find one, didn't, and are now trying to get internet points for thinking you have a good idea.

You are literally the only person on this planet that has ever thought to donate a microwave tray to a thrift shop and are the only person to have gone to a thrift shop looking for a microwave tray.


LotusLizz t1_ixtov8g wrote

Who shit in your cereal?


pioneertele OP t1_ixuh5gs wrote

Somebodys grumpy. I did break mine and found a replacement at goodwill this last week.


FloweredViolin t1_ixvnivx wrote

No, I've seen them in thrift stores before. Several times over the years. Never bought one, because I never needed one, but it's a thing.

I have bought pot lids with no matching pot.

When my slow cooker busted but the insert was still intact, I looked at the thrift shop to see if an identical one was available before purchasing a new one. I've seen plenty of orphaned slow cooker inserts over the years, and do consider purchasing the one for my slow cooker when they show up, but have decided having 2 inserts is enough.