markedasred t1_iycx203 wrote
Yes a good tip, and also, I am so glad I took digital pictures of the contents of our family photo album when our mother went in to an old peoples home (we are three surviving brothers, and one of the others lost the actual book when moving house). They were the basis of the background at Moms funeral, and her sole living sister was delighted to see pictures from their childhood onwards.
misdirected_asshole t1_iycxjd6 wrote
Another LPT:
If you are the person that always takes pictures at the family gatherings, make sure someone gets a picture of you as well. It's easy to forget that no one sees you when you are behind the camera.
Kimmm711 t1_iycyig6 wrote
May I add that many of us avoid being in pictures because we struggle with our appearance - worry about bad angles, extra weight, no makeup on, etc. Get in the picture anyway.
I recently went to another family's party & they had a photo collage. In many photos, my friend (the mom of the family in question) looked great in all of them! Despite being freshly awakened in one, a little heavy (with a new baby) in another, no makeup in some. But she looked so happy in all of them, because she was with the family that she loves.
It really inspired me to let go of some of the vanity & enjoy special & everyday occasions a little more, without worrying about how I'll look in the photos. I also try to, after a few snaps, to get whoever is taking the pics to put down the camera & come join the fun!
CraftyDad1980 t1_iycyj7s wrote
My best friend died at 25. His family wasn’t big on taking photos. I had to get my moms photos (she was a photo bug) of us when we were growing up to help with the service. It was the strangest experience having more photos with me in them than him with his family.
Druid_High_Priest t1_iyd29vt wrote
TRUTH!! I had a very dear friend who was a photographer but hated having his photograph taken.
I had no idea his family had almost no photographs of him until one day they reached out to me and requested permission to use a photograph I had taken of him at the workshop I was hosting. The photograph was the last frame on a roll of Ilford Delta 400 and I snapped it just because.
Scrungyscrotum t1_iyd5lg3 wrote
This was just fucking posted here.
psuedonymously t1_iyd7aeh wrote
LPT if you feel that uncomfortable with doing something don't let yourself be coerced or guilted into doing it anyway.
ASDFzxcvTaken t1_iyd7otu wrote
This. After a loved one died i realized that we both had a similar casual hobby of artistic photography so there were tons of beautiful pictures of places and things but without them in it... none of them mattered.
In the end it was the selfiies, group pics, tagged pics others took and shared, and action pics and videos, which were hard to find, that our family and friends wanted the most.
I've since started to make sure to include the human aspect including myself into way more pictures.
tipustiger05 t1_iydbn1n wrote
I hate having my picture taken. I always look goofy af. But I don't care because memories are more important, and I'd rather have pictures of me with my family than worry about how I look.
returnofGorgorokh t1_iydcbo9 wrote
If i dont want that...I DONT WANT THAT
NuttinButtPoop t1_iyde57a wrote
It's one of my many regrets. My Nana and Aunt just wanted pictures of us kids. I always hated the way I looked so much that I ran and hid anytime a camera came out. Knowing they just wanted to see us when we weren't around just breaks my heart. I smile for every camera now, no matter who is taking the picture. People just want to see you when they miss you, and they don't care how you look.
assylemdivas t1_iydh5iz wrote
My sister would subtly flip off the camera.
TogarSucks t1_iydjggc wrote
When I was younger I was frequently forced to have my picture taken when I wasn’t comfortable with it. Now I have a lot of anxiety around having my picture taken because of that.
Want people to be more okay with participating in things that make them uncomfortable? Don’t demand, force, or guilt them into it.
[deleted] OP t1_iydjj9g wrote
JCPRuckus t1_iydk6xw wrote
LPT growth is uncomfortable, especially personal growth. Get over yourself and get in the pictures... Just in general, not even considering what OP is talking about.
fatogato t1_iydl6rd wrote
I used to take travel pics. You know, the usual landmarks and whatnot. After years of traveling and looking back at the pictures, they were not special as tons of other photographers took a similar image.
After that, I made sure to take pictures of myself and other travel companions standing in front of such scenes, even if it made the picture less “artistically perfect.”
TheCelestialEquation t1_iydnqh7 wrote
Also, if you hate having your picture taken because of the way you look:
Either you'll look better one day and you'll get to see how far youve come, or you'll look older and get to be reminded of what you had. It's sort of a win win.
sponger67 t1_iydpe1a wrote
This.... so much this.... And exactly for the reason stated... My best friend for most of my life, hated having his pocket taken, or being in any pic moment etc... he got really sick, really suddenly, and passed away after fighting for 64 days. We had lots of photos, but nowhere near the amount we could have had. I had adopted the same mentality before he had gotten sick. I have a diff mentality these days, as I know I won't always be here, and hopefully my parents don't outlive me, but for siblings and my neieces and nephews, but hopefully that went be for some time and they won't need pics, cuz they'll have memories of stuff we did together.
Think twice about it if u happen to hate having ur pic taken, at least for family events, holidays and birthdays. Promise you will be happy you did.
ArbolesFrutales t1_iydpsfu wrote
People take themselves too seriously man, stop overthinking things and get that picture taken for for heaven's sake!
Nightcat666 t1_iydqubc wrote
Naw fuck that, if I don't want to be in a photo then I won't. If you have to guilt me to be in a photo then you don't deserve to remember me.
[deleted] OP t1_iydr2u6 wrote
Flickthebean87 t1_iydrk0g wrote
Memories fade with time so having pictures and videos helps.
ObeseBackgammon t1_iydrsdh wrote
Serious question --- if you consider the point of view of somebody like OP, who wishes he had more photos to help him remember and reflect on time he spent with his cherished now-deceased loved one, vs. your brief discomfort at having to stand in place for under a minute, and briefly have to contemplate the uncomfortable fact that you exist and are perceived by other people ----- OP wins. Every time. Consent plays no part in this, and if you honestly bring that up as a reason to finagle out of a class, family, or friendgroup photo, you are not only being very disingenuous but revealing a very diseased view of everyday life.
johnperkins21 t1_iydsh11 wrote
BitchLibrarian t1_iydsv8i wrote
I recently went on a major holiday with my OH. We like to explore at different speeds and he loves to take multiple pictures with often lengthy set up.
When I first started to see him setting the timer and nipping in front to do the same pose and the same smile I found it a little funny if I'm honest. But the more I spotted it I find it endearing. If I'm near I nip in too and I'm so glad we have lots of slightly stilted posed pics of amazing places with him in them. I'll never be sad to see that head tilt and the special smile he has as he mentally counts down the timer.
[deleted] OP t1_iydt5sc wrote
Panda_Generals t1_iydtfcs wrote
Do you have loved one who passed away ages ago if you do then you realize that in the end only some memories and the feeling you felt when you are with them remains
The memory starts fading after an year or 2 approx
And then after a decade only some remain and to prevent that from happening you need photos and videos
And maybe also start journaling things which are not there so that you can remember the moments aside from the photos
Ruskyt t1_iydtvgt wrote
As someone who hates having their picture taken, this sounds a lot like a them problem and not a me problem.
Let people have their boundaries without trying to guilt them into doing things they don't want to because "what about your friends and family who love and miss you".
Ruskyt t1_iydu278 wrote
For real.
I hate being in pictures. Respect my boundaries.
psuedonymously t1_iydum40 wrote
Yes, exactly, don't let people bully you using this kind of ridiculous, over the top shaming language, excellent example, thanks!
ObeseBackgammon t1_iydv43m wrote
I do what I can 🫡
bRad420dankness t1_iydvgsu wrote
>Serious question
Doesn't ask a question.
broke_af_guy t1_iydvy90 wrote
My family will have a hard time finding many pictures of me. I always used to take tons of pictures and no one took any of me.
ObeseBackgammon t1_iydw6vw wrote
That's what makes it serious
Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_iydw9zd wrote
There is only one good picture of my brother in existence, or at least just one picture of him as an adult. He takes introversion to an entirely different level.
nickatnite07 t1_iydwfg8 wrote
As someone currently traveling home from a funeral I can attest to this. The wake was closed casket so the lasting memory we all had was the slideshow and multiple pinboards surrounding the room. So many photos… even if other family members who have passed.
bRad420dankness t1_iydwkqz wrote
>that people care about you and want to see you develop and thrive, want to talk to you and help you improve
Well maybe they should show that while I'm alive instead of regretting not doing so when I top myself.
KarnWild-Blood t1_iydwpu1 wrote
"Allow your boundaries to be disrespected to assuage the guilt of others."
Are we sure this isn't shitty life pro tips?
[deleted] OP t1_iydwu2g wrote
owlpacino57 t1_iydx1w2 wrote
I don't think anyone is going to miss me when I'm gone.
Not_as_witty_as_u t1_iydxae7 wrote
Same goes for random candid videos. We used to do that in the 80s but since the internet we’re worried about something being blasted out all over the world. But think about if you croaked tomorrow, how much footage would your family find of you just being yourself and having a good time?
doublediamondz t1_iydxgcy wrote
LPT: Make your family members uncomfortable and don’t accept their boundaries so that they can continue to serve you when they die.
Silver_Narwhal_1130 t1_iydxl7p wrote
Obviously this post is not saying you have to do this. No one can force you to take a picture (at least if they love you). It’s just a call to consider the people you love and how they might want to remember you. That’s why it’s called a tip not a demand. If you don’t want any record of your existence for people to maybe have some fond memories with a physical manifestation, then don’t take pictures. But at least consider it. A picture is short. Life is short. And whatever problem you have with pictures is either not a big deal in the grand scheme or you should get help to deal with it.
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iydxl8r wrote
Just do both. Some with, some without.
lib3ration t1_iydy2v3 wrote
I have to agree with this 120%. My father recently passed away and the few photos that I do have of him are just from the past couple of years with my daughter. During the religious ceremony we did we had maybe 7 decent quality photos to choose from.
Smash_Gal t1_iydy4d9 wrote
I think it’s definitely a nuance thing. If you’re uncomfortable having your picture taken, by all means, don’t do it. I know it sucks, but some people just…are struggling at times. Maybe there’s an issue of trauma, or even a safety issue if the person in question used to be stalked and a lot of pictures today end up on social media. But, you are still a permanent fixture in the lives of others, and your presence and love means something to people. If you don’t want to have your picture taken - is there something else you could leave behind?
As silly as it is, although I have a lot of photos of my mother, the thing that I oddly cherish the most is an old card that she gave to me when I was a teen struggling with something, and it had a long, heartwarming message about how much she loved me. Her handwriting and her words were important and speaks volumes about what kind of person she was. Likewise - I have no memories of my paternal grandparents. But, I have a baby blanket that was knitted by my paternal grandmother, and a little christmas elf statue with my paternal grandfather’s handwriting wishing a merry christmas on the base. Proof that they were there, and they were loved.
So…yes. Respect people’s consent. But, I implore you, those of you who don’t like your pictures taken: leave something behind to these events. Talk about them, write about them, let people know how much you care about them. It’ll matter a lot to people later.
audioragegarden t1_iydy5ac wrote
I absolutely detest being photographed in any staged manner at events. Family and friends are welcome to take all of the candid photos of me in a natural casual state that they want, but there's no better way to get a guaranteed surly or disinterested expression from me than to interrupt/delay my genuine fun or conversation to take a staged photo for their own "look at our beautiful family" vanity. I'd much rather enjoy photos of my family and friends as they really are/were.
bRad420dankness t1_iydycd5 wrote
But let me propose a ridiculous situation that follows a similar idea. Let's say I'm a vegan and my family wants to go to a bullfighting show or something along those lines to "make memories". Am I an ass for refusing to go because the situation makes me uncomfortable just because other people want me there? If not am I then an ass if I don't want to pose next to the dead bull with my family? It's just a picture after all.
Lucifer_Crowe t1_iydzi01 wrote
How dare people not be the same as you
audioragegarden t1_iydzsn5 wrote
You sure kicked a little hornet's nest of people who don't know you, aggressively shaming you to appear in photos they'll never see, taken by people they don't know.
yanky79 t1_iydzx83 wrote
It's not about you.
UGIN_IS_RACIST t1_iye0022 wrote
LPT for those who don’t like photos b/c of family members who post unflattering candid photos you don’t want on social media:
I made a rule for holidays/gatherings and communicated it with the offending parties who don’t filter their photos before posting. My rule is this:
I’ll take photos, but I ask that I’m TOLD ABOUT IT PRIOR and don’t get surprised by a camera in my face and ugly candid photos of myself on my social media.
That’s been a good compromise for everyone.
Lucifer_Crowe t1_iye00e6 wrote
Why would people like their picture taken? What I see of myself in the mirror every morning is more than enough
And that's without considering that my reflection looks better than I do unflipped
Yarusenai t1_iye0en7 wrote
Redsparrow86 t1_iye0rrz wrote
I’m learning this now, my girlfriend wasn’t big on pictures and neither was I, but when she passed in September I wish I would have taken more. The few I have just don’t seem like enough, take the pictures friends.
[deleted] OP t1_iye13bi wrote
chrisisbest197 t1_iye14za wrote
I guess fuck your friends and family when you pass then
Thereisnopurpose12 t1_iye1c55 wrote
Ay parents be forcing children to do a lot of shit and then they'll ask "why do you rarely come visit?" It's because I've had enough of you all lol
mt4h t1_iye1j17 wrote
It was different back before social media. That physical picture was only going to be pulled out when your loved ones were reminiscing about something. But now I pose for a picture and it's seen by hundreds or even thousands of people depending on which one of my friends posts it to theirs. It's lost it's intimacy and purpose. At this point, they've got enough pictures of me on the internet. Use one of those.
Dubl33_27 t1_iye1xfs wrote
This is the real pro tip
[deleted] OP t1_iye22at wrote
Get over what? I don't fear being in pictures, I just don't want to.
[deleted] OP t1_iye24ij wrote
It's a fucking picture. Who really is the triggered one here?
[deleted] OP t1_iye27xk wrote
"my mom died and she didn't like taking pictures. She is probably fine but what about meeeee"
BitchesLoveDownvote t1_iye2fin wrote
So entitled.
FallenAngelII t1_iye39v1 wrote
Or, you know, some of us just don't want pictures of us taken and don't mind if people don't have hundreds of pictures of us to mourn over. If I give you 10 pictures in 10 years, use those 10 pictures. I'll even pose and smile for them.
Sure, don't go overboard and treat all cameras like the Devil, but you're expecting people like me to consent to and pose for and smile for dozens of pictures a year, including random ones taken by friends at random occasions, which is just, no?
litterboxhero t1_iye3eta wrote
No. My body, my choice.
HunkyFoe t1_iye3ftc wrote
Wouldn't call it a "better" tip... Nothing wrong with taking non-candid pictures to celebrate a specific event/moment.
Recycleyourtrash t1_iye448i wrote
I'm sorry, but are you trying to shame someone who lost their mother and grieving over the fact they have so few pictures of them? Work on your empathy. He is totally allowed to selfishly wish they took more photos.
BannedAgainOhNoooooo t1_iye474q wrote
"Do things you're not comfortable with for the sentimental benefit of other people after you are dead with nothing to gain"
699112026775 t1_iye48oj wrote
Pass. I don't want to be remembered. I want to be just another statistic when I pass. Thanks!
[deleted] OP t1_iye4grg wrote
tompiatelli t1_iye4osq wrote
Also, in case you get acussed of murder it gets you a solid alibi
-ihatecartmanbrah t1_iye4pn3 wrote
I have transcended this LTP by having no one who wants pictures of me, my boundaries shall be tested by none
duhhuhh t1_iye4ul7 wrote
If you have a loved one who always runs from being captured, why pursue?
Knowing this should push you to find other ways to remember them, rather than causing them discomfort.
We all have memories without cameras.
ForceOfAHorse t1_iye53k1 wrote
If they care more about photos than my well being when I'm actually spending time with them, then yes, fuck them.
OhBarnacles123 t1_iye5cfb wrote
The real solution is obvious: Just don't die. That way people can remember you and no photos are needed.
JCPRuckus t1_iye5hmx wrote
>Get over what? I don't fear being in pictures, I just don't want to.
Whatever weird personal issue makes avoiding being in pictures seem like a worthwhile pursuit to you. This advice isn't for people who just don't actively pose for pictures. It's for people who actively avoid being in any pictures at all. Your friends and family are trying to create keepsakes and reminders of the time they spent with you, actively avoiding that is a dick move.
PoppDuder t1_iye5o69 wrote
Been a photographer since my early adulthood. Everyone in the family wanted, for years, for me to bring my camera to events. Now I have lovely pictures of every family event for a decade plus, except I'm in basically none of them. At least I've got something, but I'd love more pictures of me and my dad to remember him by.
[deleted] OP t1_iye5xes wrote
Laxberry t1_iye64h6 wrote
Why don’t you want to be in pictures?
Haru1st t1_iye66vn wrote
How about "no"? Furthermore, not requiring of others to go out of their comfort zone when you yourself wouldn't, would be nice. You might have missed the point, so I'll emphasize it for you: You are relying on an external recording media instead of actually training your memory and are asking others to enable your habits instead of working on yourself.
[deleted] OP t1_iye67sy wrote
> Whatever weird personal issue
Damn do you just hate people who don't want to be in pictures. Because you are the one that seems like you have a weird personal issue against people that don't want to be in pictures
[deleted] OP t1_iye6blt wrote
Galkura t1_iye6di5 wrote
My dad is currently dying from congestive heart failure. We never had a great relationship, but he’s been trying to repair it for the past couple years since his health has been declining, so we haven’t gotten there completely yet but it’s been better, and I’ve noticed his efforts.
With this disease you end up with ups and downs. Initially he was only given a few months, but it’s been a couple years now.
He’s at the point though where he has multiple organ failures and is likely going to be gone soon.
I was realizing how few pictures we have of him, or of our family together. Kind of upsets me knowing we don’t have much.
MarsNirgal t1_iye6egl wrote
I would say they are completely different pictures with a different purpose. Ones are taken for art, others for memories. And we need both.
[deleted] OP t1_iye6jha wrote
[deleted] OP t1_iye6jie wrote
So it's having a picture moment period. Like if someone randomly takes a pic of me, I usually don't care. But when someone is like "OMG let's stop everything so we can take a picture" it annoys me. Not too bad but kinda gets on my nerves
EvadesBans t1_iye6k1r wrote
Yeah, it's entitled to have boundaries. Meanwhile, thinking you're entitled to pictures of someone else against their wishes is definitely not entitled at all, yeah? Everyone knows that blatant double standards are not entitlement at all.
chrisisbest197 t1_iye6ra3 wrote
They want to remember it better afterwards. Photos help with that.
[deleted] OP t1_iye6vs4 wrote
CCtenor t1_iye6vyb wrote
I’d rather people respect other’s boundaries, and work to find a compromise. If somebody really doesn’t want their picture taken, find a way to take pictures that respects their boundaries. Maybe have a picture of just them on their birthday, as a memory. Maybe they just don’t like the attention of pictures, but they’ll let you do a nonintrusive video.
Maybe, people will just have to find other, more appropriate, ways of memorializing someone, such as writing down the positive memories people have of them,
NumberStationBarbie t1_iye6wrz wrote
Nah, hard pass. Snapchat filters/makeup can't fix genetics. 🥲
EvadesBans t1_iye7b30 wrote
You'll get over it, sweetie. You might notice that the person you're responding to is a stranger that has zero affect on your life.
StrategicBean t1_iye7e48 wrote
I have always been the one of my friend groups to take photos & videos of random times together & always got endless amounts of shit for it since the early 2000s.
Now in the 2020s all those same friends are VERY appreciative of the fact that I have all these photos and videos of us from decades past
Tripsy_mcfallover t1_iye7n21 wrote
It's not about the photo. It's about people having the ability to remember your face, your mannerisms, your essence after you are gone. Because memories fade.
niako t1_iye7s5y wrote
My experience with this is that.. I'd look back on pictures of when I was younger and think "wow I looked amazing in that picture".. even though when I first took the picture all I could think about was how terrible I looked.
lilpopjim0 t1_iye7uxp wrote
I don't have many pictures of me as a kid because I always hated my picture being taken..
Not only that, but I was the only one who ever took photos with the family camera so there's plenty of everyone else, and none of me :/
Still regretting it.
PolymerSledge t1_iye7wf0 wrote
This message brought to you by the OSINT community.
Deadlock240 t1_iye80dm wrote
I disagree; if someone doesn't want to be photographed, don't photograph them. Especially for such selfish reasons as, "When you're dead, I'll be upset that I have no pictures of you."
Alva-616 t1_iye81b1 wrote
killswitchzero7 t1_iye85s1 wrote
No thanks. Hate seeing myself in photos.
[deleted] OP t1_iye86a7 wrote
[deleted] OP t1_iye8fhu wrote
I explained in another comment
Anonymous_Hooman t1_iye8ijd wrote
Before the post was removed it said:
LPT: Let yourself be photographed at special events, family gatherings and by friends in general, even if you don't like your picture taken for any reason.
My mother passed two years ago. She hated her picture taken and would start arguments and fights over it. I have only about 5 or 6 pictures of her, four of them I either had to sneak or conned her into taking, a faded photo of her and my father from the 1970's and lastly a yearbook photo. I had to use the yearbook photo for her obituary. The other ones had her looking grumpy.
My point is that when you are gone, people are going to miss you and they won't have any photographs to console them or to remember the good times they shared with you. Your friends and family love you and even if you don't like the way you look, they do. Let them photograph you by yourself and with others.
Deadlock240 t1_iye8s2b wrote
I think you missed who they were calling entitled.
nikkitheawesome t1_iye942t wrote
This is a good lpt, honestly.
I'm a photographer and there are hardly any photos of me, even from before I got into it professionally. I'm uncomfortable in front of the camera. But when I was pregnant I made sure to take a few selfies and set up a photoshoot with my partner near the end. It was cold and snowing and I was uncomfortable, I ended up having to cover my cute dress with layers to keep me warm. But I set up the shot with my tripod and also had my partner snap a few of just me. I did it for my baby. I didn't know for sure we would get to meet her (I have a history of many pregnancy losses) but I wanted the photos for her. I wanted her to see how excited and happy we both were. There's always risk in giving birth and if something happened to me and she made it I wanted those photos to exist. Thankfully we both made it fine. I still fight with the urge to hide from the camera but I try to take a selfie with her every so often. I've dropped the ball on doing family photos but I'm trying to plan some soon. I may not enjoy having photos taken but I just remind myself it's not for me, it's for her and my partner in case something happens to me.
bRad420dankness t1_iye9gra wrote
Curious as to what you don't get. I personally see no reason to take/have photos taken of me.
Gaodesu t1_iye9he6 wrote
Obviously. But when you’re treated like shit and then forced to take a photo because “that’s what family’s do” or “you’ll put up with this if you love me”. Then I could care less about what you have to remember me.
returnofGorgorokh t1_iye9rar wrote
Nah, social media creates narcissist people who lives watching itself, and aware of likes and external aproval. Fuck that people, im not like them. I dont like feel bad, to others feel ...good, in control, egocentrical behaviour. Pd im not english speaker
[deleted] OP t1_iyea7ll wrote
Tripsy_mcfallover t1_iyeagmu wrote
Also LPT: If you don't want your image used to remember you by, give your family something else. Samples of your writing or words. Photos of your favorite places or things. Or an audio recording.
The whole point of photos is to have something left of the person after they are gone. Having no photos of your loved one is a very tough thing to deal with while one is in mourning.
LiquidDreamtime t1_iyeaynn wrote
Right, I recently saw a TikTok where a photographer and a bunch of women were having a great time bagging on men who don’t like their picture being taken. It was gross.
ThinkBreadfruit t1_iyeb0a7 wrote
You’ll get over it too
Darkon44 t1_iyec85y wrote
A picture of you is literally about you.
ForceOfAHorse t1_iyeetmv wrote
Great. And I want to spend quality time now. Focusing on meaningful conversation instead of taking photos helps with that.
[deleted] OP t1_iyempah wrote
Smash_Gal t1_iyenztv wrote
How would you feel about actual photographs? Like, a physical picture, not a digital one placed on social media.
I can totally get someone being REALLY apprehensive about having their picture taken, in the same way that nobody wants to be video'd on someones phone. It sucks, and sometimes you really just want to have your privacy and other people's feelings be damned, here.
But I remember in my childhood having a photo album of family members - some of which must've passed away when I was an infant. It was nice to have a face to a name, and have my family tell me "Well, that's your grandpa/grandma, and that's your uncle." It was nice to see them when they must've been an important part of people's lives, you know? Like, I never knew them. But I could tell it mattered to my mother and father.
Totally get not wanting your picture taken. But it never hurts to have at least one nice one for family to remember you by.
keepthetips t1_iycukmj wrote
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