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ohsnapt OP t1_iwnej4q wrote

As someone sitting in a tshirt who was wearing a sweater last year this time, i can assure you that heat loss from poorly insulated windows is a real thing. I have had to do no extra work on my windows, they still open with the panels in place so i dont have to choose between fresh air and insulation, no endless fiddling and redoing with some cheap looking window film, lol the one i bought came with scotch tape and came off in 3 days

Greenhouse panels are sturdy, no maintence except a wipe down, are designed to last for years, and have a one time cost


MaleficentPi t1_iwnf8tr wrote

And are still, for almost everyone who isn’t you, completely inappropriate materials for the job at hand for multiple reasons.

Glad it works for you.

Find it more than a little odd/cringey you’re working this hard to defend it.


[deleted] t1_iwnrfpz wrote



MaleficentPi t1_iwohkja wrote

Nope. I just know that a dude who cannot let go of the fact that someone points out their “LPt” is anything but is probably not trying to give tips, but rather farm karma OR brag about a solution that…isn’t.

None of these posts you have talking about tips actually work or are in fact anything other than specific hacks for your situation, my man. You’re trying way too hard to prove something and it comes through like a 1000w floodlight under a set of fishnet stockings.


ohsnapt OP t1_iwojohd wrote

Just trying to help other people not be cold in the winter


MaleficentPi t1_iwok0ej wrote

Perhaps you should refrain from arguing with the mirror, in future,


ohsnapt OP t1_iwokf1g wrote

I didnt know there were lpt trolls 😆😆😆


MaleficentPi t1_iwqhyw5 wrote

Trolls are not “people who disagree with you”.

They are people who “troll the waters looking to engage a fish”.

You fit the traditional description far more.