Euphoric-Blue-59 t1_ix135oq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in LPT Your body is on autopilot a lot more than you realize. Everyone's autopilot is an idiot. Life's easier and you screw up less when you realize this, and think intentionally and take actions accordingly so the autopilot can't screw things up. by 12jonboy12
About as bad as advice gets.
Vemena t1_ix17uc8 wrote
From personal experience, I do think he has a point somehow. Here in the Netherlands we have something called “trajectcontrole”, this measures your average speed over a few miles and if your average is too high, you’ll get a fine. The thing is; everyone is driving almost the same speed, so there’s not a lot happening to pay attention to (plus like 50% is looking at their smartphones). But when I’m speeding (10 to 15 mph above limit), I’m watching everything like a hawk. Anticipating the moves other drivers might make and act accordingly.
Just my 2 cents from personal and relatives experience.
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