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OLDGuy6060 t1_ivho574 wrote

On the OTHER hand, if someone is actually doing tree work on a house nearby, offering them cash to come take care of your place at 30% their normal rate seems to work really really well.
I was quoted 1600 bucks to trim two trees in the front of my house, and my neighbor had the same guy doing the same work. I slipped him 4 hundred bucks cash, and they took care of both of my trees. The truck was there, the guys were there, and the boss was not there. They each got 100 bucks to do a couple extra hours work.



erishun t1_ivirrmf wrote

I wonder who pays if one of them is horribly injured in a fall. My guess is that their insurance policy won’t as it wasn’t a scheduled, signed job.

Also your homeowner’s may also refuse to payout as again, it was an “under the table” deal with non-bonded laborers (check your policy).

This seems like a good way to lose your home in my opinion.


OLDGuy6060 t1_ivk3ox5 wrote

Yeah I will burn that bridge when I get to it.

Living in fear is NOT living.


FFlifer t1_ivin92j wrote

This is what I came here to say! Also, username checks out!