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keepthetips t1_ixkws4j wrote

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mr-dr_bingus t1_ixkyzbi wrote

i’m a consistent mouth mangler.

unclenching my jaw relieves the weight of the world from my molars everytime i do it


DogmaticConfabulate t1_ixl1zy6 wrote

If I could remember to do that I wouldn't have these problems to begin with ...


shutupdutch t1_ixl6brg wrote

excellent advice i’ve intended on following for years


Argyrus777 t1_ixlb1i5 wrote

To add to this, tilt your computer screen upwards. It automatically force you to sit upright more to see the screen clearly


gt0075b t1_ixlgavb wrote

WTF! Are you watching me right now?


lucas_bahia t1_ixlmcem wrote

I will actually try that thanks


ThunderGunFour t1_ixln24o wrote

I’ll file this next to “no elbows on the table”


CaptainKudar t1_ixltogc wrote

I set my rear view mirror for me sitting with good posture. Instead of moving the mirror I adjust how I am sitting.


Mango_Weasel t1_ixlxpnc wrote

I used to clench my front teeth so much I would get swelling in my chin and it hurt like hell, would not recommend.


poobearcatbomber t1_ixlzvsu wrote

"LPT: Make it a constant habit to stop doing crack."

If it was as simple as being mindful people wouldn't do it to begin with.


DifficultBoss t1_ixm1c75 wrote

Doing yoga vids on YT that constantly remind me to do this has translated to real life. People have been telling me I like look thinner and taller and just laugh in my face when I tell them it's my posture from doing yoga.

"head over heart, heart over pelvis"


nuffced t1_ixm7nwt wrote

Same while lying in bed. You don't realize how knotted up you are unless you physically relax your neck and shoulders.


OlyScott t1_ixm8cho wrote

Your shoulders open? What species are you? I can open my mouth...


bm96 OP t1_ixmdqq7 wrote

I crack almost every part of my body, multiple times per day. I find this helps with tension a lot. It is the most blissful feeling in the world and I always look forward to it


VIVXPrefix t1_ixmnu5n wrote

Taking up regular swimming as a form of exercise has greatly improved my posture


ChronicEntropic t1_ixmsku1 wrote

I have yellow post-its on every mirror in the house reminding me to do this. Has made a huge difference in my daily life. Also has gotten to the point where if I see the same color yellow anywhere, it causes me to relax and breathe.


bm96 OP t1_ixmwtmk wrote

Take the tips of your fingers and push them about a half inch under your jaw, on the sides, then try to massage those jaw muscles that are responsible for it opening and closing up and down. It feels really good.


sernametakenbro t1_ixmwvip wrote

If I had gold to give I would.

This is such a valuable one to remember


StoneTemplePilates t1_ixmxgii wrote

Also, quit sucking in your gut. It's not good for your mental health to have tension there all time.


MercuryFlint t1_ixmynqp wrote

Light tension in your abs and glutes makes it easier to keep good posture. Don't overdo it, you'll just add more tension to your body, but light tension will pull everything in. Then you can go longer and get those posture muscles strong.


Prudent-Yesterday157 t1_ixn1zo8 wrote

even better, if you get into a routine of doing this for yourself at least once per day


DAecir t1_ixn28qe wrote

Great advice for me and my TMJ condition. Thanks!


BallHarness t1_ixn46ji wrote

Making a conscious effort to keep your jaw relaxed while trying to fall asleep will let you achieve it faster.


HumpieDouglas t1_ixna9uk wrote

Also get up and walk, even if it's just around your office building for 5 minutes.


Two-Scoops-Of-Praisn t1_ixnenuz wrote

Posture is overrated. Your spine is meant to relax sometimes. Most people are just stiff and need to stretch


Two-Scoops-Of-Praisn t1_ixneuam wrote

It's easier to sit with good posture when your muscles aren't tight. I'd recommend stretching rather than forcing yourself to endure the pain of sitting straight for several hours. The best posture is the next one, aka just move as much as you can.


Boomboomgoomgoom t1_ixnh6ra wrote

If you have a jaw clicking problem this will help you especially!


chickzilla t1_ixnjdo8 wrote

The tongue actually belongs loosely resting on the roof of your mouth. This is part of your ability to breathe through your nose & eliminates mouth breathing. It also widens your is & helps those muscles relax. So while you relax your jaw & unclench your teeth, keep your tongue parked at the roof of your mouth.


osi_layer_one t1_ixnk86d wrote

the only problem with that?
i want to kill so many of my coworkers...


Frosty_1989 t1_ixo78vy wrote

I have to do this, or I'm uncomfortable all the time. Specifically neck and shoulders/rhomboid pain. It's been pretty bad for a couple years. I tend to lean hard on arm rests and have a bit of forward head posture that I sometimes don't notice for hours and I'll need to stretch out my neck muscles after


Honeyface t1_ixo7qjt wrote

I call this set of corrections walking with a normal energy flow


sneaky_squirrel t1_ixoi646 wrote

I found the most personal success in doing this 24/7. Takes time for the habit to develop.

The idea is that you exert the force you would normally exercise through your jaw through your tongue instead.

If you focus your effort on your tongue, you won't mistakenly apply force with your jaw.