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SnooDrawings1480 t1_iwxu9bb wrote

Might work on salesmen, but i tend to get missionaries and local church people more than salesmen and it might have an opposite effect


Various_Succotash_79 t1_iwxvxj7 wrote

Tell them about the dark lord Baphomet or something like that.


[deleted] t1_iwylhgp wrote

Have you met our lord and savior, Greg Glassman? Wanna do some burpees together?


reddituser7542 t1_iwyoi78 wrote

Hahaha, not sure if the opposite would work...when they knock, try selling them membership of a club where they need to bring more members and make money.


Walauyavishum t1_iwz0lxi wrote

Open and tell them you're atheist or Jewish or whatever they're not.