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vapenutz OP t1_j15o7gf wrote

This is why I've said tools like not linking to them specifically, there are a lot of mail forwarders. At the same time this is something I've set up for my family


Em_Adespoton t1_j15p9z7 wrote

It’s also a service provided by Apple and Google:

Apple has an iCloud subscription remailer service and Google lets you append +<anything > to an address.

So with gmail if your email address is, you can enter when registering on and it will still go to your inbox.

Gmail also lets you use periods anywhere so also works.


vapenutz OP t1_j15s3o2 wrote

The issue with plus addresses on Gmail though is that you still leak your real email. Somebody can just cut this off. Periods too, a lot of things just ignore it. It's not a solution to the problem, at all