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Karefree2 t1_iznoebw wrote

I’ll take it a step further and suggest bringing bite-sized desserts (that can be picked up individually and consumed without silverware or a plate) rather than one large item.


arkobsessed OP t1_iznyd1n wrote

I agree with this. Something that uses toothpicks comes to mind. But what do you do about the cake? It really has to be eaten with a utensil.


Dornstar t1_izo9lir wrote

There's something similar to cake that fits their description. I believe it's called a cake cup or something along those lines.


Karefree2 t1_izogara wrote

Cupcakes. Better yet: mini cupcakes. Will be gone in a flash!


arkobsessed OP t1_izorhp3 wrote

Good solution! I feel like my cupcakes come out less moist than a full-sized cake. Maybe I'm doing something wrong though. I've heard of people using sour cream to make cake more moist. Maybe I'll try that next time.


Beazore t1_iztwv0l wrote

I used sour cream instead of milk in an apple crumble cake recently for lack of any other options, and I'm NEVER GOING BACK TO MILK. The cake was softer, less dry, and stayed that way for far longer than when I had used milk. I've read that you can also put a little bit of lemon juice into the liquid you're adding, and that the acidity is what matters. Also self-rising flour! Lower gluten content means softer cake, often times.


arkobsessed OP t1_iztxpsu wrote

I've never heard of lemon juice before! I'm definitely going to try that next time.